Well Known Member
I'm in the process of writing out all of the necessary checklists that an airplane needs -- preflight, start, landing, etc. It's been a LONG time since I had to do these kinds of inspections. It would be really helpful if someone had some templates to follow. I think it would be really easy for me to try to make them up from scratch and miss some key ingredients. It would take too many oversights to screw the pooch.

I did a search on VAF and came up with several condition inspection checklists, but nothing on other checklists. Did I overlook them?


Totally forgot that checklists are probably part of POHs. Guess that qualifies as "overlooked".

Thanks, Kahuna. :rolleyes:
Knee board format


I'll send you a copy of mine which I set-up for a knee board. One 8.5 x 11 sheet folded in half, printed both sides.

This is my abbreviated checklist. It's a list of those items that are somehow missed by myself and others. It's small enough to actually use every flight. I usually just mentally run through the checklist & then double check from this.

It's laminated in plastic & about 3 1/2 * 6".

L.Adamson --- RV6A (flying)

edit: P.S. - I did correct the spelling of abbreviated....
RV8/8A checklists

My husband and I are buying an RV 8A and I'd like to take a look at someone's POH/checklist if they are willing to share. I understand they are plane specific, but I'd appreciate a general idea.


I don't fly an RV (YET), but here's a list of a few of the checklists I use on a daily basis. I've omitted a few that do not apply to the RV or general aviation as a whole.

-Preflight Briefing (Tailored to your flight, i.e. performance numbers, unfamiliar passenger brief, day/night issues, fuel plan, suitable diverts, route of flight, etc.)
-Exterior/Interior Inspection (Preflight)
-Starting Engines
-Before Taxi
-Before Takeoff
-Takeoff (Always includes a final control check)
-Post Landing
-Engine Shutdown
-Post Flight Inspection

This may sound like allot of checklists but it ensures every important item is completed during every phase of flight. I would argue that anyone with some degree of aviation knowledge and flying skill could hop in my jet and with the checklists safely operate the aircraft. My point is your checklists should include everything, and you should never be forced to rely on your memory. As we all know, when things start to heat up, (foul weather, maintenance issues, navigation issues, comm issues, etc.) our 4 cylinder brains can feel like they're only firing on one cylinder. And at that moment, it's great to be able to pull out the comprehensive checklist you created while sitting at your desk at 1 G and 0 KIAS.

Just my two cents, but if you?d like any more in-depth info on what's included in any of the above checklists I'd be more than happy to share with you.
