Pretty dang fun. Audrey and I went up to Best Buy after dinner and bought a cheap joystick for the computer. She's been flying the F-16 all over the USA (full afterburner).

Made me kinda tear up seeing my 12yr old daughter passing 500kts down in the Grand Canyon. :) That's my girl !

It completely crashed my IBM Thinkpad laptop. It was fine for 6 seconds and then the screen imploded. I've never seen it crash like that before.

Must be something with these IBM's.
edneff said:
couldn't get to the flight sim on my ibm laptop...
Click on the map area (make sure the cursor isn't in one of the search fields or something) and then click Ctrl-Alt-A.

Worked for me. And when I went full screen I was able to fly with the mouse.

Dang, this is bound to waste some time when I should be working... :D
Found a RV!

Finally found an RV on Google Earth. Bonus points if anyone can "name that aircraft."
peac htree city georgia

went to peachtree city georgia on GE and was looking at spruce and tried it it worked......coooool :D