Bob Brown

Well Known Member
All of us here at the Independence Airpark are devastated at the news that Ron Russell was killed last weekend in his RV6 after suffering an engine failure at low altitude following takeoff from Furnace Creek in Death Valley. His wife Pat was seriously injured in the accident and remains hospitalized in Las Vegas. Our hearts go out to Pat, and also to Ron's special sister in SOCAL who is also an RV driver. We wish Pat a speedy recovery and stand ready to assist in any way we can.

As is normal here at Independence Airpark, many of us routinely stopped by Ron's to offer a hand and talk airplanes, RC flying and anything else related to aviation and aircraft building. I remember the fun afternoons when his friends came over and to help he and Pat hang his wings, his engine and his prop. Ron was an interesting guy who always stayed busy and always had more plans ahead of him. His deep voiced laugh and wry humor was remembered by all who met him. Ron loved his RV and especially all the friendships it had brought he and Pat. We had planned on flying our RV's to OSH this year, as there is a contingent from Independence planning the trip. His picture will fly with each of us. We will preserve his memory and honor his friendship.
Update on Pat

I just tried to post and I don't think it went through so I'm trying one more time.

Please post my message anywhere you see fit.

Pat Russell had surgery last night. The fused her C4 and C5 vertebrae. The C6 and C7 are cracked but should heal on their own. She is doing well and may get out of the hospital as early as tomorrow or the next day. She has a lot of family with her but will need the love and support of her Independence neighbors when she gets home.

Mark and I will be heading up to Oregon as soon as Pat is headed north.

Ron will be burried in or near Independence. We do not know the date of services yet because we are waiting to give Pat some time to recover some.

I do know that I will need a contact person who thinks they can coordinate a missing man fly-by. Ron would have wanted one. We had planned to attend a formation clinic together in June. Ron and I had flown formation as much as possible together since our trip to Oshkosh in 2003. He was flying a C-182 at the time with our RV-6A tucked under his wing.

I also need a list of emails of people not on this list or a central contact person who can get the word out when we have a service date.

My email is [email protected]

I will be glad to post when I have a minute, or you may copy any of my post from the SoCalRVList, giving details of what happened.

Trish Russell (My big brother, Ron, called me Patty)
He was earning the call sign "Big Brother" whether he liked it or not.
Very sorry

I am deeply moved and very sorry for the loss of Ron and the injuries to Pat. I have flown into Furnace Creek many times and it will evoke a sad reflection from now on.

Bob Axsom
Services for Ron

We are working on the details but we are planning a memorial service for Ron this Friday late afternoon at the EAA hangar at Independence Airpark. We are hoping to have the graveside service just prior for those who want to attend. When I have more detail I wll post them.
