
Well Known Member
It was a great year of flying my RV9A. I had 251 VFR Days and flew 599 trouble free hours enjoying every minute of it (vs 262d/620h in 2014). Looking forward to better 2016!

Highlights of the year. Mo's Ice Flyin on Ottawa River Canada.

Visit to S-n-F.

Had an honor to give a ride to an RV legend. Gary Sobek.

Circumnavigated Lake Erie.

Visited famous Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome.

Overnighted at Gadabout Gaddis of Maine.

5 times stopped at the same spot. Love the place!

Drove my RV to get a ride in a Pietenpol.

RON at a space place. Courtesy of Paul and Louise.

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Alvord Desert.

Burning Man Black Rock Desert.

Tonopah dry lake bed.

The marshes of Florida. Dog Island.

Pensacola beach.

Visiting the Governor of Belfast Maine.

Shark patrol near Tampa.

Chuck Norris house.

Keep pounding those rivets! There will be days you forget about them.
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Hey, those shacks out on the water are pretty cool. Anybody know how that works? I mean, can you just go out there, drive some pilings, and start building?

Last photo is John Travolta's place at Jumbolair. Does Chuck Norris fly too?
Isn't that John Travolta's house?

You had a great year off the surface. Excellent report.

40 hours on the RV now and looking forward to visiting some interesting/remote sights myself.

Rivets? what rivets? :)

Hey, those shacks out on the water are pretty cool. Anybody know how that works? I mean, can you just go out there, drive some pilings, and start building?

If it's anything like South Louisiana, they were probably built on land some time ago and coastal erosion has done its part.
I'm honored to make your "Hit Parad "--reference to an old music show in the States. Come back anytime. Jon and I are having a beer in D-28 as I type this. BTW, Svetlana says "Hi".
Vlad the inspiration! the great! the......broke?

I've followed Vlad's ventures with great interest.

now for the first time, I put finger to calculator, and went......:eek::eek::eek:

it takes some...well.....budgetary fortitude to make those memories.

I am starting today, to put aside a small part of the estimated $42,532.34 that Vlad INVESTED in 2015 to fly those hours.

well done, sir....

well done!
It was a great year of flying my RV9A. I had 245 VFR Days and flew 587 trouble free hours enjoying every minute of it (vs 262d/620h in 2014). Looking forward to better 2016!

Dang Vlad. That's a lot of hours in one year. I wonder how many RV'ers out there in VAF land came close to Vlad's numbers in their own RV's.

I didn't even hit triple digits. I definitely want to fly more next year. Thanks for the motivation Vlad.

Do you set goals?

...estimated $42,532.34 that Vlad INVESTED in 2015 to fly those hours.

Ok, that ($42K) puts into perspective why I don't fly that much. It also might explain why Vlad sleeps on the FBO couch and eats free when ever he can.

We really enjoy your trip write ups and all the good pictures Vlad. Please keep them coming.

I don't know where you are getting $45K for 587 hours. Average gas cost per hour for my RV-9A is just around $30/hr. Oil changes are less than $100. He's already beyond TBO! :)

I just don't know where Vlad finds the time to get that much air time!
bravo VMAN, i know the feeling of flying to your hearts content. life revolves about, where do i fly next. it is a tough job though. nothing else must get in the way. back in 1999 i was doing the same. after my first two years flying my new rv i had aquired 1,200 hours. nice going comrade. i am proud of you. you carry the torch well. :D

pm sent.
Yes goodbye to 2015

2015 was a fabulous year for me. Along about middle 2014 I started to look for an airplane. After many inspections I found her mid-2015. I flew her to her new home in Beverly, Ma from Paris Tx. By far the longest XC I ever did and to this day I think about how great and marvelous that trip was.

Here she is now:

Since I got her to Massachusetts I've flown her weekly on local hops. Once the weather permits there will be more XC work done. I'd love to know when the next Gadabout Gaddis Gathering is.

2016 will be even better than 2016 though that's going to be hard to beat.
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Yakov Smirnoff, "What A Country!"

I think you should publish your photos of "America from the Air" in a book. And paying tribute to the famous Russian comedian who came to America and became famous, Yakov Smirnoff, you could call your book "What A Country!"

By the way, I am serious!
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I thought I was doing well with flying 56 hours this first year of having my RV. I always enjoy your exploits Vlad and admire your ambassador status in the RV world as well. Keep it up!!