
Legacy Member
From the May issue of Air and Space, in an article by Paul Glenshaw...

The quote is from Richard Harding Davis, a famed reporter who flew with Wright exhibition pilot Frank Coffyn in 1911. Although initially filled with terror, once in the air "..a wonderful thing happened":

"I began to understand why young men with apparently everything to make them happy on earth persist in leaving it by means of aeroplanes... What lures them is the call of a new world waiting to be conquered, the sense of power, of detachment from everything humdrum, or even human, the thrill that makes all the other sensations stale and vapid, the exhilaration that for the moment makes each one of them a king."

I think I would have enjoyed a drink and some conversation with Mr. Davis.
I am alway amazed at how some folks are able to string words together so elegantly. I dont have that skill.
Awwww Shucks Dan, you are getting soft in your old age !!!

Reminds me of the bath scene out of Blazing Saddles...... ;)
That's how I feel..........

The quote is from Richard Harding Davis, "..a wonderful thing happened":

"I began to understand why young men with apparently everything to make them happy on earth persist in leaving it by means of aeroplanes... What lures them is the call of a new world waiting to be conquered, the sense of power, of detachment from everything humdrum, or even human, the thrill that makes all the other sensations stale and vapid, the exhilaration that for the moment makes each one of them a king."

I think I would have enjoyed a drink and some conversation with Mr. Davis.

Great quote! How interesting to see the turn-around when he realized how amazing looking down from an aeroplane was! From the eyes of a neophyte! That sums up some of the reasons I fly and how I feel with nearly every flight! And, yes: I could raise a pint with Mr Davis as well!
mmmh... yep, pretty good.
High Flight” on our side of the Pond ain’t bad either ;)