Smilin' Jack

Well Known Member
My wife and I flew down ahead of the storm that went through Atlanta Saturday, since we got down here a day early we stayed at Marsh Harbour Saturday at the Conch Inn, and then came over to Hope Town on Sunday. We're celebrating our anniversary.
This is the longest trip we have done in our RV7 and she performed flawlessly.
I was surprised that the track showed up on Flight Aware. Of course headwinds the whole way.

Hold down the fort in the States while we enjoy the Islands.

Smilin' Jack and FlyGirl Anita
Staniel Cay

We just got back from our trip to the islands. Loved the Bahamas.
Couple suggestions..
Staniel Cay is a must stop. Land, talk to the ladies at the golf cart rental building. They will get you hooked up for a boat ride to the swimming pigs bay at a good price. It sounded dumb but was simply amazing and something we will never forget. The boat will then drop you off at the yacht club where you can have a great inexpensive lunch, watch the 80 foot yachts and see dozens of sharks in the harbour before a nice walk back to the airport.

We stayed at hawks nest on cat island, very nice but very quiet. Cool to have your own runway.

Lastly, we used Bimini as exit airport. NEVER again. Worst experience on the islands. No phones, no internet, even the blue customs hotline is dead. People there are very unhelpful and added a lot of stress as you need to file, etc with no connections for customs or flight planning. Anyway will go back to Bahamas again. Marsh harbour was good as were all other stops but bimini.

Fly over david copperfields island...that is simply amazing too. Enjoy!
We want a full report with pictures when you get back.

Still waiting on your report with pictures.
We will get some pictures together when we get back, not doing a lot of different islands this time as we just wanted a place to settle in and enjoy our anniversary, might head up to Man-O-War Cay tomorrow. Going to try to get in the Elbow Cay Light house at night. We now understand this is the last kerosene
Fueled light house. The other one was changed to automatic last year.

It would be cool to be allowed to go up at night.
But ya never know.

We have tried to get to the light house by road using a golf cart and you can't get there from here. We have always visited using a boat. I understand there is a water taxi that goes there I just don't know how late but night would be cool.
We have visited a light house North of Cancun while on a sailing adventure. It was on a small island with only the lighthouse keeper as inhabitant. It was also kerosene.
Where are you stating in Hope Town?
We just got back from our trip to the islands. Loved the Bahamas.

Lastly, we used Bimini as exit airport. NEVER again. Worst experience on the islands. No phones, no internet, even the blue customs hotline is dead. People there are very unhelpful and added a lot of stress as you need to file, etc with no connections for customs or flight planning. Anyway will go back to Bahamas again. Marsh harbour was good as were all other stops but bimini.


just curious how you made the departure work with all the difficulties.

No phones, no internet, even the blue customs hotline is dead. People there are very unhelpful and added a lot of stress as you need to file, etc with no connections for customs or flight planning.

Have never found one of the blue customs phone that works on any of the islands I have visited. We have Verizon cell phone service and rarely get service on the islands. Last couple of times I purchased a Bahamas Tel Co. calling card and used it as necessary at pay phones to call US Customs, etc. I take care of outbound and inbound eapis before I leave home. I usually file flight plans online ahead of time, as well. works great for IFR flight plans. We have cleared outbound at Andros the last few times with no problems. No fuel at Andros, however.

Glad you enjoyed your trip. Mary and I were discussing last night when to make our next trip to the Islands. We have always gone in the spring, so are thinking about trying in the fall this year.
We are back from Hopetown, we had a blast. A couple,of items to help others make their journey easier.

1. As stated complete both an outbound and inbound EAPIS before you go.
2 Outbound from the states you only need an ICAO flight plan and under remarks put your ETA at the ADIZ note there are two boundary lines one out bound and one inbound.

3 if your aircraft is capable of a non stop flight call customs Miami and get their blessings on your trip.

Contact Miami radio if VFR, on the ground and activate you VFR flight plan.
Get flight following from approach and center. If IFR standard procedures. To get your clearance.

4. When Miami drops you from Radar advisories contine inbound to your destination and when still up a couple thousand feet cancel the flight plan with Nassau radio or cancel on the ground.122.4 works good for Nassau

Arriving paperwork islands.
3 general declarations
1 immigration card for each person.
50 dollar fee per aircraft
On departure 25 dollar fee per person.
Note the immigration form is also your cruise permit to go to different islands.

3 general Declarations.
Turn in your immigration card
File and out bound ICAO flight plan.
Call Miami customs and get blessings on your flight.
VFR activate your VFR flight plan...
IFR you will probably take off VFR and climb to around 6-7 thousand feet before they see you and give you a clearance.

Inbound to states.
Go to custom building.
3 general declarations.
1 family declaration card per family
The pilot only should get off the plane until agent authorizes others to leave

Have fun.
Smilin Jack
We have tried to get to the light house by road using a golf cart and you can't get there from here. We have always visited using a boat. I understand there is a water taxi that goes there I just don't know how late but night would be cool.
We have visited a light house North of Cancun while on a sailing adventure. It was on a small island with only the lighthouse keeper as inhabitant. It was also kerosene.
Where are you stating in Hope Town?
Mark, we stayed at the Hope Town Lodge however we ate several times at the hope town Inn near the light house. We also enjoyed conch chowder at the Sea Spray Resort
Got to up load pictures from the computer when I get home
been to hope town twice, it was so much fun. find the minister that bakes bread and pies. we stayed so close to the lighthouse that we could have swum across the harbor to reach it. [just asked a local for a boat ride, actually]. ride your bike down to the far end of the island. there are trails, too, that lead to where the locals live, kinda' eye opening. lots to discover on that small island.
Our trip to Abaco?s Island May 10 thru May 17, 2014
With our 7th year anniversary approaching on May 12, I wanted to give my bride a new adventure in our recently completed RV7.
So the question was? How would you like to go to the Bahamas?? OF course the answer was YES?
I have been to a lot of the islands flying charters or with the corporation I fly for but never to Abaco?s
After flying corporate down to so many Islands and having Base Ops take care of all the paperwork it was just a little different to do it all for my little plane. So the items were started.
1 decal for the plane from Customs
2 get on the Custom and Boarder protection web site and get the EAPIS stuff filled out. After you do it 3 or 4 times it gets easier. Like remembering to put the ADIZ border crossing in the correct time.
3. Make sure I have all the designations for the ICAO flight plan and the category and equipment correct
May 10 arrives and we set off for the islands Thunderstorms are raking Jasper, Georgia KJZP but it looks like if we leave early we can get ahead of most of the weather.

As we approach Macon, Ga the weather starts to break up and we are in nice VFR weather for the rest of the trip south to Ft. Pierce KFPR.
We land at KFPR and notice all the great ramp folks that are not present at the FBO APP . They know you have to stop and they don?t go out of their way for you at all. We decide to have a sandwich in the restaurant while I file the ICAO flight plan to Marsh Harbor MYAM at 9500 feet. We have our life vest from my flight department so we save a couple of dollars for the vest.
I decided to head down from Ft. Pierce to Blufi Intersection on V295 and then continue that heading to BR63V where it intersects the ADIZ This will keep us basically within gliding distance until we past West Palm Beach and make the flight over the water very minimal.
From BR63V we decide to go to Ulama the directly to Marsh Harbor. This work fantastic and it only took an Hour and 15 minutes to go the 213 sm to Marsh Harbor.

We land in 30 mph winds only off the runway by about 30 degrees so not a big deal. We are a day early on our actual reservations to Hope Town Lodge so we decide to say at Marsh Harbor for the night
The FBO here is pretty good and the line guys are fast getting the baggage off loaded. They know of a hotel called the Conch Inn and Marina. They had a little bar and a nice place to chow down. The rates were good for the night.
May 11, it is off to Hope Town. We get a taxi to the Ferry which is only located about 2 miles from the hotel but with all the bags we do the taxi. 25 minutes after we finally get boarded we are arriving in Hope Town on the Elbow Key

I am a light house fan and I know that this Light house is only one of 1 that still burn kerosene fuel. So to climb the light house is a must for us.

I had not realized when laying out the trip that it was so far and cost so much to go between the Key?s and Marsh Harbor, and hoped to fly to several of the smaller airports nearby, But seeing it was a chore to do we decided just to stay put for the week at Harbor Town.
May 11, we walked the streets in Hope Town and ate at a couple good restaurants. The food is just a little pricey but for the most part was excellent.
May 12 we rented a golf cart for $50.00 to explore the island. We took along the snorkeling equipment as the reefs are in some places 25 feet off the beach. We found a nice beach called Tahiti Beach which has a long sand bar and reefs a foot below the surface. Off to one side the Atlantic Ocean roars in and on the other side is the calm waters between the key and Abaco?s Island. We explored many of the other resorts and enjoyed our visit to the Abaco Inn resort where we hooked up again with a young lady who worked there and was on the ferry with us. A lot of the workers on Elbow Key live in Marsh Harbor and commute by Ferry every day to work? They buy a weekly pass for the ferry. Anita was the chauffeur on the golf cart with me just causing a little havoc pressing the accelerator when she was going around curves.  Well full throttle?   Us RV folks like Speed.  Later this evening we caught a little pontoon boat to the Hope Town Inn. If you buy dinner or drinks they will send the pontoon boat over and pick you up and take you back later for free. We did this pretty often to get from one side of the Harbor to the other. Lots of nice big boats to gauze at.

We met some nice folks who we got to know pretty well who sailed a Gemini Catamaran from Melbourne
Over to the Islands. We saw them at most of the different places we went to eat at and found it funny that where ever we went they were either there or came after. One other note. When you rent a golf cart or bicycle you get 24 hours? from the time you rent it to the same time the next day..
May 13, we ditched the golf cart and decided to tackle the Elbow Reef Light House. This we thought was one of 3 kerosene light houses still in existence but it is the only one left. We caught the little pontoon boat to the Hope Town Inn and then walked back through the trail to the light house. You end up walking past a marina and then come to the walkway up to the light house. It would have been shorter to have the pontoon boat drop us at the fuel pumps for the Inn.

The Light house is 101 steps to the top. Just below the top is the kerosene pump which keeps the kerosene burner lit. 2 brothers come up every evening and take down the canvas cover for the glass and then wind up the lamps assembly. It is situated on a mechanical clock mechanism which has to be wound every 2 ? hours. The assembly floats on 2 tons of mercury to keep the fiction minimal. I was trying to take pictures of the burner and I was leaning against the housing and the whole thing started to rotate? I was struck with fear as I thought what have I done.. this thing was just coasting around with the slightest touch. No wonder the slightly larger than clock gears can turn this thing. We Photograph everything. I enjoy the mechanical operation of stuff and this will soon be history.

After this we walked the beach outside of our resort and did some swimming in the ocean with the large waves.
Abaco Island continued

May 14, we decided to rent a boat. We get picked up at the HopeTown Lodge dock and taken to another key outside the Harbor area where we fill out all the paper work for our cruise ship to explore all the nearby Keys. Our cruise ship was a 17 foot Boston Whaler with a bimini top that cruised probably 35 mph. Off to play Captain Bligh?

. And to find Man-O-War Key.
We launch our sturdy rig and headed for the Key they stated was probably Man-O-War but as we approached this little island only to see one house on it?. We realized that this could not be the place. So we took off for another Island? this too was way too small to be Man-O-War. But hey look over there lots of building on that key? so off we go battling 3 and 4 foot waves for what seemed like an hour. As we pull up to a marina and ask the dock hand?. Is this Man-o-War key? Nope?.yikes were lost?. Not really he told us we were at Marsh Harbor? on the south side of the island. Opps???. I think we need a map?. No such item? well I pull out the Foreflight and Thank God the islands are on the maps? so we top off the fuel tanks and set back out into the sea?.. most 4 footers by now? and my first mate is not liking the bouncing around nor the fact we can not see any other islands except when were on top of the waves. I too am getting a little worried as the waves are building really fast and the thunderstorms are building equally as fast. We see one of the Ferry boats that go to Hope Town and race over bouncing all over the place to try to get into his wake. It works so now we have another 35 minute ride back to Elbow Key HopeTown but at least it is a bit smoother behind this bigger boat. After this we decided to stay closer to shore and we ran down to the Abaco Inn to eat? Boy do they have some waves down there as you can see in the picture..

After Lunch we head back to Hope Town Harbour and decide to make a visit to our Catamaran friends. They show us the entire cat and WOW is it pretty nice?
About 4 we decided to turn the boat in and call it an adventure. Since we had the boat only for a about 6 hours they only charged us a half a day.
May 15, we rent bikes. And at this shop they have some pretty nice shirts and bags so of course we have to have some memorabilia. These bike are not your 15 speed easy pedaling bike. These are the roaring 50?s with the pedal back brake. Straight handle bars.
Needless to say. These babies are work to ride up any grade. After a few hours of this exercise we had enough for the day. Head back to the Inn for a last evening and take a splash in the salt water pool.
May 16, our day to leave? were all ready by 9:30 to catch the Ferry back to Marsh Harbor and then a taxi to the airport. The weather looks marginal VFR. I get the international flight plan flied and call Miami Customs for the release of our EAPIS and it ?s off to the states again. We head to Ft Pierce to clear customs.
This leg again is an hour and 15 minutes. The Custom agent comes out with a Geiger Counter and walks around the plane.. sniffing for hint of explosives. I mean we really look like terrorists. We off load the bags to a cart, carry them into the building and present our passports and the family entry card. We wait while he verifies our passports then he tells us they are understaffed and point down a hall way to an exit sign and says have a good day. What can I say?. We order fuel and take off for Clearwater Executive airpark to visit my cousins for a day? what a great time with relatives and this is what makes our planes so fantastic? you can cover the country. The flight across Florida takes 45 minutes directly over the top east to west across Tampa International.
May 17, we head back after a visit to Tarpon Springs and the Greek fishing villages. 2 hours and 42 minutes and we are back home to Jasper Georgia and already talking about where we can head again. My wife states she want to do this trip again? next year or the year after. OKAY I am gamed? but I would like to visit at least a couple other small islands?..
If I can help answer any question? please email me or Private mail.
Thanks Vans for a nice aircraft to see the world in.
Abaco's Island continued pictures

Here are a couple more pictures and of the Dynon during the flight. We played with ROP and LOP operations.

Our new friends Gemini Cat taken from the top of the light house

a picture taken looking up the light house.


Hope you enjoyed our trip..
come along next time.. :) :) :)

I was amazed at how there was no one attending the lighthouse. they put canvas over the lens during the day because the sun can start grass fires! we too, figured we'd fly to different islands until we became aware of the $75 ferry ride.

see the little green house next to the pink mansion? that's where we stayed [pappy's place?] arrived from Oregon 2 days late because of alternator problem and they gave us extra days, no charge!
We too were amazed no one was around during the day at the light house. A lot of trust. My wife got a booklet on the history of the light house when the residents of the island were against the construction due to the fact it would stop ships from hitting the reefs and eliminate their lively hood of pilfering the ships that ran aground on the reefs.

We enjoyed the islands. The airport at Marsh Harbor was to begin airline service with Delta being a player on May 27th.. Whether this happened or not I do not know.

Amazing to see the similar pictures.
We too were amazed no one was around during the day at the light house. A lot of trust. My wife got a booklet on the history of the light house when the residents of the island were against the construction due to the fact it would stop ships from hitting the reefs and eliminate their lively hood of pilfering the ships that ran aground on the reeds.

We enjoyed the islands. The airport at Marsh Harbor was to begin airline service with Delta being a player on May 27th.. Whether this happened or not I do not know.

Amazing to see the similar pictures.