I loved the perfect three point landing....yes....I'm being a bit sarcastic!

It is a nice little video though.

I am not sure that I would put my name on a video of myself busting F.A.R.'s.

Otherwise pretty cool video. Yeah, a little heavy on the nose while landing. The music makes me want to turn my hat sideways.
I loved the perfect three point landing....yes....I'm being a bit sarcastic!

It is a nice little video though.


I was thinking the same thing...it's to bad that a lot of the people that take time to post videos on line aren't always doing a very good demonstration of good flying practices (not to mention IFR, high speed low passes,etc......)
I was thinking the same thing...it's to bad that a lot of the people that take time to post videos on line aren't always doing a very good demonstration of good flying practices (not to mention IFR, high speed low passes,etc......)

...and 2-person acro w/o chutes while blurring out the N-number on the tail and panel so the FAA folks that view it here won't cite them :rolleyes:. Ugh.
Slick video all right but I was thinking the same things echoed here...

If we wonder why the RV community is sometimes thought of by other pilots as lawless, hot dog, renegades, another video like this simply confirms it. Good judgement seems to be left in the hangar unfortunately sometimes. Repeat some of this stuff enough times and you might become another accident statistic and one wonders if this guy knows the regs at all.

BTW, I recommend some more dual on the landing phase- scary technique on an A model.