
Well Known Member

The other day I found out that Trig, who makes the Dynon Transponder, will upgrade your 262 transponder to a new 261 transponder for a sum of $950. I confirmed this with a phone call this morning to Mid Continent which is the US service center in the US.

This is the link to the flyer and basic info.

https://www.trig-avionics.com/library/TRIG (19025) - TT21 Upgrade 13 A4 - high res no crop marks.pdf

They will make it a 261 with a new 2 year warranty.

So if you have a 262 and looking at a cheap option for 2020 compliant, here is your chance.

Dynon 262 upgrade

Yes it does. I called both Trig, and Dynon and it covers both the Trig TT21 and the Dynon 262 transponders.

So if you have the Dynon 262, you are good to upgrade.

When I called Dynon, I suggested they put it on their website, and said they would pass it on the the web person to see if he would put it on their web site.

You can use the 262 if it is used with a 978 (UAT) ADS-B out solution as long as you don't fly in class A space.
Good news. While it would never make sense to buy a new 262 and upgrade it, it?s good news for those who had them. I had been hoping to pick one up for cheap to use withal UAT myself, but unless it were somewhere in the $500 range, it just wouldn?t be worth it.

Cheapest UAT/gps combo = roughly $1400
Upgrade 262 xpndr upgrade /$900 + gps2020/$500 = $1400ish

Advantage to the dynon integrated system based on ease of installation. Looks like a solid win for those who already have a 262.
Don't shoot the messenger!

Listen, as a small Dynon dealer, I have ran across a few guys who have bought the 262 years ago, and have regretted it for the last few years when they found out that their 262 will not be 2020 compliant.

I am just passing on some info that might be helpful to someone who has one and have not done anything yet to comply with the new 2020 rule, so don't shoot the bearer of good news to someone.

There is many ways to get 2020 compliant now, and this is just one of many. This information might not help you, but someone could use it.

??? I don?t see anything negative in any of these posts. I certainly wasn?t trying to be. In fact, my point was to highlight what an advantage upgrading your 262 would be over other forms of compliance even for the same $$.
The 262, as stated above, is compliant with a UAT/978 ADS-B out solution.

Hi Ray,
Are you saying that if you turn off the ADS-B in the Dynon 262 and then add a UAT to it, then you can use it or are you saying it can be used as-is as long as you stay out of class A airspace?