
Well Known Member
Many of you know Trish Russell. She flew with the West Coast Ravens and has attended a number of formation clinics across the country. She retired from teaching last year and moved from California to North Carolina with husband Mark. They are building a beautiful home just two doors down the street from me at Gold Hill Airpark.
On September 30th Trish Russell was rushed to the hospital. She had an AVM in her brain that ruptured. An AVM (arteriovenous malformation) is a tangle of abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins in the brain. It’s a congenital condition; she always had it and never knew until it ruptured. Trish had brain surgery on October first. They removed a portion of her skull to relieve the pressure on her brain and because the rupture was repaired quickly there is a high probability that Trish will make a full recovery. I visited Trish on the day after her release from the NICU. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t open her eyes and had lost all movement on her left side. We conversed via a white board. I visited her in the hospital three weeks later and was amazed at the progress. Her eyes were open and she was talking and talking and talking! Very slight movement on her left side gave her hope that she would be walking before long and perhaps even returning the left seat of her RV-6A. Through it all Trish’s husband, Mark and daughter Angelie have been by her side night and day. Their support and encouragement and Trish’s determination are all centered on one goal: getting her back in the cockpit.
Yesterday I flew Trish’s RV-6A. It had been sitting since before her brain surgery and Trish wanted to make sure it had some exercise to keep it in good repair until she could take it up herself. When I returned to the hangar after a 30-minute hop Trish was making her way from the house. Trish’s doctors say her recovery could take years. I don’t think they know how determined she is. It’s only about a hundred feet from the house to the hangar. She’s walking with only a cane for support and the trip to the hangar took nearly ten minutes, but she not only made it to the airplane but with Herculean effort lifted herself into the cockpit! Her left hand is still immobile so it will be some time before she can solo but I promised to take her up with me next week. Big SMILE here!

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School mom,
Wish you a speedy recovery. We miss you and hope to see you soon.
Great report Ron - thanks for sharing! We've been following Trish's amazing recovery on Facebook, and I keep thinking that someone needs to steal that helmet for a night and do a little cosmetic work - a real pilot needs lightning bolts, or chevrons, or at least a cool call-sign and squadron insignia on their headpiece!

Now that I know that you live two doors down....maybe you can get something going!

Get well Trish!

I visited Schoolmom last week in her rental house at Gold Hill along with Mike Stewart. She still has some limitation on hand movement and has to wear her crash helmet for a while. But she said she will regain her Wingman Card in a year, and by the determination in her voice and look in her eyes you know she will do it. She is making amazing progress. GO GIRL!!!
I met Trish and Mark at LOE 2005, and we've been friends since then. Since I'm not a Facebook person, I was not aware of Trish's condition. When you take her for that ride next week, tell her Moose says hello and sends his best get well wishes. Say hi to Mark for me too.
I've also been following Trish's progress via FB since the injury. Trish is one determined gal and I won't be too surprised to see her back in formation someday. This will be a tough road though... Still, I won't be too surprised to see her fly again...

Stay strong Trish!
Nice to see that RV grin, and you are in the seat where you belong.
Speedy recovery Trish. You have been in our thoughts.
great news

Great to get a report here. I also am following SchoolMoms progress on FB. Glad to hear Falcon got to visit her too.

Trish, while you're waiting for your wingcard you can fly with me. I will be glad to repay the flight you gave me at my first Madera clinic.
Thanks for the report Ron.
I wish her a full and speedy recovery.
I owe her as she flew my #4 as I was #3 during the last flight Sunday during the summer formation clinic in NC.
I punished her severely as I was just learning and it was my worst flight of the long weekend. She was very gracious with what I put her through.
I look forward to flying formation with her again.
I don't know you folks but my heart really goes out to you. Her determination is very inspiring! Way to go!

My wife Jamie had brain surgery on June 3rd this year, and it sounds very similar. A piece of her skull was removed so the surgeon could get in there and operate. It was due to an aneurysm that was found about a year ago. We are extremely thankful that they found it and were able to successfully clamp it off before it could rupture. Subsequent procedures have shown that it has shriveled away and is no longer a threat. Yeah! She has recovered nicely and is doing well. She is not a pilot but has been very supportive of my project, and can't wait to go on flights and trips of all kinds, as soon as our RV-7A is finished.
Trish is back in the air!

I accompanied Trish on her first flight in her RV-6A since her stroke. With a little help on the rudders Trish completed two landings and got a standing ovation from the whole neighborhood at Gold Hill Airpark.
Way to go Trish!


I accompanied Trish on her first flight in her RV-6A since her stroke. With a little help on the rudders Trish completed two landings and got a standing ovation from the whole neighborhood at Gold Hill Airpark.
Way to go Trish!


Yay Trish!!!!!
