
Well Known Member
Received my quote for insurance on the F1 Rocket. Was braced for a big increase however Ladd Gardner shopped me to a new company and the premium dropped over 1500. We upped the hull coverage to 160,000 and came in at 2936. Some will say ouch but it’s a good rate for a Rocket. If we can get all the Harmon’s to use the new engine mount maybe in a few years we can get that down a lot more!
Falcon Insurance

Falcon is one of those companies that hunts underwriters for you.

This year my usual underwriter would have been 10-15% higher, but a different underwriter for the same policy was 40% less.

Pleasant surprise.
EAA Falcon

I go through EAA Insurance, which is essentially Falcon (but that way I'm providing a little support to the home team as well). I was pleasantly surprised with no change in policy renewal this year.
I’m not sure if it was the fact that I made it through the first year of coverage (200 hours) without incident or that I added ATP and new type to my certificate, but mine dropped nearly 25% to just under $1k for 160k hull on my -14a.
We carry liability-only on our machines, and for the past several years, it has been $295 per RV, very year. Our broker (SkySmith) basically said that Louise and I have enough experience and ratings that nothing we do will change that - except that we need to show enough hours each year to show REAL currency (not just 3 landings in 90 days), and when one of us hits a magic age number, things might get interesting. Currency isn’t a problem for us now, we both fly plenty.

Until then, its just the same year after year…which isn’t bad when you consider inflation heating up!

The good news for me is that each of the past three years I have been flying the little jet, the premium has gone down - more time in type, I guess….
Which company did you end up with ? I recently renewed with Ladd and it was a lot more?
US speciality is the underwriter. The 3 listed pilots are all 10,000 hour min time with ATP’s and 500 hours plus tailwheel time.