
Well Known Member
Say, I know it isn't PERFECT or IDEAL, but for all intents and purposes, I am going to reorder new parts and make this match up perfectly.

Here is Dan's pic:


It seems that the rear wing attach area is sufficient for the 5/16" bolt that secures it.

My dilemma, I shortchanged the front bracket(s) by about 3/32" as you can see in my picture.


Dan's site has some more pictures of the joint and they look like this for those who haven't gotten there yet.



As I have mentioned, I am going to redo this.

In your opinion, do you think it would be okay. I am not asking this because I want to be talked into using it, because I am not.

I am just posting it because it is one of many dilemmas in building a plane that breaks parts down into 2 categories.

A) Airplane parts
B) Not airplane parts

I think this is category B.

What do you think?

:cool: CJ
CJ You asked "what do you think" so... What you have there is fine. If you decide to not use it, well, thats your choice. The only thing important in this area is edge distance with the bolt hole you will drill and install the bolt. If you called Vans they would tell you thats plenty acceptable. There is no reason both of them have to be exactly the same length. Just drill your hole carefully dead center of the material here and you're done. Thats my 2?.

Ask Van's engineers!, I haven't called 'em in 3+ years for builder's assistance and I can still spout out that # by heart!! :rolleyes:

I think you're doing the right thing confirming go/no-go NOW versus later when those parts are buried deep in a completed fuselage. It wouldn't be difficult (or expensive) at all to drill out a handful of rivets and install a new piece there that extends out properly...IF it comes to that. Van's may tell you it's no big deal, but I'd let them make the call.
Thanks guys!

I have already hit "The List" and ordered the replacements so thre really isn't any need to call.

I dare say it "probably" is okay but I don't want to live with it. Everytime I look at the fuse, I would see those uneven ends staring me in the face and I couldn't live with myself!

Besides, I don't need another "Definately maybe, we haven't tested for that, it is up to you" kind of a response.


Support is only as good as the person you get on the other end of the line.

By and large, they are good!

;) CJ
if you havent put it together yet

then order the new parts. but i would have put my money on you still had enough. i had some of the same issue i drew edge distance borders and came up with well better than the minimum. depending on sweep you may need more than others. at first i had some sweep but pushed for zero. had to shape rear spar for the rivet at the top which i would reccomend you use a c/s rivet there. with or without the new parts.
CY, I was thinking of putting a AN 426 rivet there!

Ron, you made my night!


I suppose I am just too anal about some stuff. This is probably nothing. I just can't look at it and be satisfied with my product.

:) CJ
I made mine per drawings and one side was slightly longer.. can't remember which one.. so I'd guess you did everything correct and you're all OK.. just as Ron pointed out that even on QBs, this is normal.
I think you are OK. I actually shortened my forward rear spar attachment fitting about 1/16 inch because it was hitting the flange of the butt rib and causing forward sweep of the wings. This is the situation you have now, it appears to me. I still have edge distance.
If it bothers you that much to have a minor imperfection, then consider this: In order to replace that part, you'll have to drill and replace quite a few rivets in a not-so-easy-to-reach location. The potential is high to make things worse and not better. I'd consult Van's, then leave it if they say so.
Hi John,

Ditto, I made mine also as close as possible to the plans, being very accurate as I go, mine also came longer/short, which is which I cant remember, right now.

What is important is EDGE distance!

I drew a small edge distance block using my sharpie pen, around the outside edges of the shortest one, using the inner edge and bottom edge of the spar also as a reference, when I mated the wings, then I drilled the bolt right in the center of my edge distance block.

If you want I'll try and measure mine tonight, PM me.

I understand you wanting to change it now before committing it deeper into the fuse.

HI John,

as promised I took some pictures last night...

Firstly, the spar holes have not been cleaned up or deburred yet, so no comments on that please. The spar is still dirty with boe lube oil as well.. :(

In the First picture my front fork on the rear spar is about 2/32 inches shorter, on both sides of the airplane. You can see how wide my edge distance block drawn in red sharpy taking the shorter spar, and main spar into consideration when I fitted the wings, enough meat left there.

The Second picture confirms 2/32 from a top view.

The Third picture I pushed the ruler all the way up into the spar upto the spacer and measured to the longer spar = 1" 22/32

The Last picture the same, ruler pushed all the way up into the spar upto the spacer and measured to the front short spar = 1" 20/32

I hope this helps and serves as a reference for other guys building a RV7.

Kind Regards
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Thanks Rudi and All,

The new parts are on their way, but I am going to change my fitting sequence. First, I am going to align them on the outside ends. Then I am going to drill them to the center bar carry through and finally trim them to size.

Thanks again!

:) CJ
I never even looked at mine to see if one was shorter than the other. however, when I finally drilled the hole, I was SHOCKED, actually, to see how small of an area you have to work with...the edge distance is THAT close (you can see the "box" that Rudi drew on his, that's about the same I had).

My guess is Van's is going to tell you .... "maintain the 5/8" edge distance" and the answer to all other questions is going to be "maintain the 5/8" edge distance."

The problem, of course, is by the time you're mating the wings, it's too late. You can't pull those doublers out and start again. So if you think it MIGHT come up short, you might as well replace 'em now.
you hope

Captain_John said:
Thanks Rudi and All,

The new parts are on their way, but I am going to change my fitting sequence. First, I am going to align them on the outside ends. Then I am going to drill them to the center bar carry through and finally trim them to size.

Thanks again!

:) CJ
any time i deviate from the plans i end up in a hole. careful the other end doesnt lose e/d
Cy, YUP!

The original parts are actually a bit long and I am SURE that I can whittle them more accurately this way. Personally, I think if it spelled it out this way in the plans, people would have better, more accurate results!

;) CJ
Captain_John said:
The new parts are on their way, but I am going to change my fitting sequence. First, I am going to align them on the outside ends. Then I am going to drill them to the center bar carry through and finally trim them to size.

CJ, That is what I did on mine and they came out with plenty of edge distance after trimming them. Go for it!