
I'm looking to do a video build log of the RV-10 kit I'm purchasing. I'm in the process of getting all the tools together whilst I wait, and I've decided I want to do a video build log, because I'm horrible at remembering to take pictures of things as I go. A video camera is kind of set it and forget it. Just have to remember to turn it on and check it once every so often.

Can anyone recommend a good camera that has a decent quality picture, good battery life, can record for hours, and does really good compression, and maybe has an editing package that comes with it that I can use to speed up the playback? The last part is more of a nicety, as I can always purchase a package separately.

Obviously, no inspector is going to want to watch 2000 hours of video, and frankly neither do I, but I'd like to have 10x+ sped up videos that show me doing the work and the product coming together over time. All the videos are going to be uploaded to the cloud as a backup method, but I'd like to have them available on physical media too, so good compression is important in my mind.