
Well Known Member
Hey all-

I'm thinking about flying my -6 to Ft Worth for a work trip next week. Any recommendations about what airport to fly in to? Parking, gas prices, other RVs are good things. T67 looks like a possibility...

17miles from my hotel (Residence Inn on Sandshell), not bad. The FAA data for 52F says: LNDG FEE FOR NON-BASED FLIGHT SCHOOL just to make landing fee for me there, right?
I get there Monday PM (5 Nov) & leave Friday AM (9 Nov). I can just park it on the ramp, but if anyone has a hangar corner, that'd be even better.

Hicks is only 9mi from my hotel, but either works for me. Jay, if Hicks is a good place to go I'll lean that way. You give it the thumbs up?
Been both place Bryan - you'll probably find indoor parking for your RV either place - no problems landing at either one of them!
Room at both....

Hey Bryan. Danny King would probably give you permission to store it in the hangar I rent from for a day or two, Grady will probably do same and I know Jay would give you room over at Hicks. You have plenty of options!

No worries.

Hicks is a good place, but Spinks (FWS) and Sycamore (9F9) have less road congestion in the area. You can use my covered spot (my Bonanza is in for annual) if you want to fly into Sycamore.
Another housing option at 52F. You could store your plane in my spot. My RV is in another hangar right now so my normal location is free.
Wow, thanks everybody. Let me do some looking at the weather forecast & other planning stuff & I'll be in touch!

See ya soon!
Alright, Hicks it is. Jay, any chance you can find me some hangar space for my -6 starting Monday about dark & leaving Friday AM?

I landed safely today at T67 & was met with the full red carpet treatment. It was great to meet Jay, Mike & several other locals in person. The guys here really went out of their way to hook me up. My -6 is safely tucked away next to Mike's RV-10. Love it! (Just in time for the 30+ knot gusts to hit.)

Sadly, I have to cut my Ft Worth trip short to get up to Salt Lake ASAP. Mother in-law's in the ICU & getting worse quickly.

So, Jay, Mike, Doug & the rest of the Ft Worth/Dallas/Tejas RV gang...thanks for the hospitality & hope to see you all again soon.
Sadly, I have to cut my Ft Worth trip short to get up to Salt Lake ASAP. Mother in-law's in the ICU & getting worse quickly.

So, Jay, Mike, Doug & the rest of the Ft Worth/Dallas/Tejas RV gang...thanks for the hospitality & hope to see you all again soon.

Bryan, we're all keeping her in our prayers. Come back soon.
Thanks for the kind words & thoughts. Hopefully she'll pull through, but she's battling an inoperable brain tumor & all the associated side effects - tough war to win. She has large blood clots in her lungs, legs & one near her heart. I'm not a doc, but from what I understand if those clots move, things get gravely bad pretty much instantly. Not a fun time for anyone.

On a lighter note, I have logged some great cross country time the past couple days. Yesterday I flew three flights: L00-P14, P-14-AXX (lunch with Dad & step-mom) & AXX-T67. 6.9 hours total. The winds weren't helping me yesterday until the last leg. I did log some 200knot ground speed time up at 17500' near SPS. Love it.

I got up this morning & got the plane ready. Jay & Carol stopped by the gas pump at T67 to see what was up. Jay recommended flying over to XBP (Bridgeport) for gas...$3.38/gal!! So, I gassed up there & started toward Sante Fe, NM (SAF). After digging through my Flight Guide for the restaurant location (gotta write a review, ya know), I noticed the word "fee" just about everywhere at SAF. So, I turned north & stopped at AXX again. I managed to get my dad on the phone while I was about 10 minutes out & they met me again for chow.

The leg from AXX to SLC today was very cool. For those in doubt, the Rockies are big, nasty looking, non-airplane friendly mountains. Flying north west, my normal bozosphere cruising altitude of 16500 only left me 2500' over some of the peaks. I fought 50 knot headwinds until just before Telluride. Thankfully, they died down to less than 20 knots for most of the rest of the trip. The Canyonlands area also looks awesome from the air. I wrote down a few dirt strips (not on my map) that I'd like to fly to someday. Someday.

Each big flight today was 3.0. Those with the little hop from T67 to XBP made for 13.2 hours of flying in 2 days. Good fun.

On another note, I'm very glad I opted for the 22cu ft O2 bottle (Aerox "M" tank). With all the 17.5 & 16.5 time I've emptied half of the bottle in 2 days. The little bottle wouldn't have gotten me over the Rockies today.

I'll be back to Ft Worth for work again. Next time I'll bring the plane & stay longer than 12 hours...promise!