
I'm New Here
Sandy and I will be at Reklaw again this year to do prop balances. We'll be there Thursday about noon. Hope to see ya'll there.
barry b
Just got home from Recklaw. About 35 minutes each way. Arrived Thurs night and got home Sun afternoon. (can't have too much Reklaw) Over 500 planes as of Sat night.
We couldn't make Reklaw because we were hosting a neighborhood party at our place yesterday. One of the neighbors flew his Glassair up on Saturday, taxied around, and came home because he said there wasn't any parking left - that tells me that those who went must have had a great time! :)

We had a few RV'ers fly in to our place for BBQ - always great to see people experience our 21' wide strip for the first time - and everyone did great. it's no Reklaw, but this had to have been the nicest weather weekend in Texas yet this year...

One of the neighbors flew his Glasair up on Saturday, taxied around, and came home because he said there wasn't any parking left - that tells me that those who went must have had a great time! :)

I'm certainly glad I got there early! It was just a quick day trip for me, landed there around 0845 before the craziness set in. By 1000, the pattern was just a madhouse; at one point I counted 7 planes stacked up on final with 3-4 more duking it out for position on the downwind. When it gets like that I prefer to watch it from the ground. Also, it didn't help the flow when you get guys waiting to take off or trying to land and there are Cubs, Kitfoxes, Ercoupes and Vikings doing an endless procession of low passes. I was leaving as that Glasair was trying to find a place to park... it doesn't surprise me that he went back home as there were numerous airplanes taxiing around trying to find an open spot with no luck. The usual overflow parking field to the east had plenty of space but was pretty soft from all the recent rain, so not many takers there...

But aside from the pattern/parking craziness, there were lots of cool machines to look at! I particularly liked the turbine powered Italian L-19 Bird Dog... man, I want one of those.

We couldn't make Reklaw because we were hosting a neighborhood party at our place yesterday. One of the neighbors flew his Glassair up on Saturday, taxied around, and came home because he said there wasn't any parking left - that tells me that those who went must have had a great time! :)

We had a few RV'ers fly in to our place for BBQ - always great to see people experience our 21' wide strip for the first time - and everyone did great. it's no Reklaw, but this had to have been the nicest weather weekend in Texas yet this year...


We much more enjoyed Freindswood. The 21' was, as the boss says, a "big nothin' burger", Looking forward to standing in awe at the state of airplane living again soon. Now I know what a continuous rope, and a Swick-T is! Oooohhh.... I knew I was working on those skills for something.
Like wheel balancing...

what is "prop balances"?

A sensor is attached to the engine block and the engine is run. The sensor tells the operator how much weight to add and an o' clock position.e.g. 5 grams at 2 o'clock, and so on. You'd be surprised at how out of balance an engine/prop combo can be. The Lycs have holes in the flywheel and make convenient places to put a bolt, nut and washers as weights.

Nice pics! I got an update from someone who was in attendance and could hear the planes in the background doing low passes.

From the looks of the place and the telling of the tale, maybe they should rename the place "REKLESS". :D
A sensor is attached to the engine block and the engine is run. The sensor tells the operator how much weight to add and an o' clock position.e.g. 5 grams at 2 o'clock, and so on. You'd be surprised at how out of balance an engine/prop combo can be. The Lycs have holes in the flywheel and make convenient places to put a bolt, nut and washers as weights.


Hi Pierre:

Thanks for the explanation.

arrhhh... that's what and how it's done...

for a moment, I thought it was a special drink you serve at the fly-in.
From the looks of the place and the telling of the tale, maybe they should rename the place "REKLESS". :D

Rekless? Maybe "back up north"... ;)

All the landings, takeoffs and passes were safely accomplished with eyeballs open and observing a basic traffic pattern. Zero incidents all weekend as far as I observed/heard.
Rekless? Maybe "back up north"... ;)

All the landings, takeoffs and passes were safely accomplished with eyeballs open and observing a basic traffic pattern. Zero incidents all weekend as far as I observed/heard.

Don't get your knickers in a twist. It was just a play on words ... :rolleyes:
I flew there this year with a group of mostly RV. There were 10 planes in our group. We had a great time. I was there last year...same thing. I hate to see this flyin shut down. The size of airport vs. the number of planes that show up can be a problem. Getting the early arrivals in your group to save you a parking spot is a good idea. There were 6 planes in the pattern when I landed. One has to stay on the radio, give yourself plenty of spacing & be prepared to go around. Someone in my group went around a couple of times before he could land. One does not fly to this event if one does not like traffic. With that many people, unfortunately there are going to be some A** H*** the 310 pilot. There are several videos on YouTube of this year?s event. The unsafe pilots should be contacted & uninvited. There was registration & they should have a record of the attendees. Lets not lose this great event because of a few bad apples.

I was there on Saturday. My first time there and it was really nice but I got tired of the low passes by the same planes, and I also got cut off while on base. Definitely need to keep your eyes open.

It was a beautiful day though and the beautiful skies and the smell of the pines was very relaxing.


Here is my favorite view:


I also found the solution for those people having problems getting cylinder or oil temperature down.


You just need a big old eyebrow to scoop air into the cowling while at high AOA!
We had a great time again this year. We look forward to it all year. Balanced the prop on our first RV10 while there. A fantastic weekend. Go on Thursday to get a good spot.