
Active Member
I am headed to Portland on Business in the next 60 days and will have a day to visit VANS - I am building a RV-10 (As many know) but wanted to get some advice on what I should be going there to accomplish? Obviously, I would like to take a tour and talk shop about the RV-10 and -8. Not sure if they still give rides but believe it or not I am building this plane and have never flown one or ridden in one? Yes I know, how could I build one without flying it or at least getting a ride (that's another discussion topic).

Any advice or a name of someone I should specifically ask for would be helpful - My current plan was to call ahead and tell them of my plans but figured many of you have done that so there might be some advice before I call.

Appreciate any guidance...
Strangely enough I'm headed there too! I'll be watching this thread for any tips on touring VANS.
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I posted a similar message 6 months ago, and found out that it's all very simple. I was in Portland on business and decided to take the early flight and get down there to check it out.

Just give them a call and I believe they'll tell you to just come at your leisure. IIRC, each staff member is ready and willing to give tours and there are lots of people ready to help. When I was there, there were two or three other tours in progress. I couldn't believe it - how did they get anything done!? Flying requires good weather and a waiver, and they have a -7, a -9, and a -10 ready to go. Couldn't give you a good contact, but I walked around with (Ken? I think?) and he knew... everything.

Bring a camera. It's a very impressive operation.
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recent change at Van's

Van's has changed the way they do tours... There are two tours a day at specific times. I don't remember off hand so you might want to check the web site or call.

Rides are free in the 7/8/9 and $50 in the 10 provided you have never ridden in any RV in the past. The $50 is refunded if you purchase a kit so perhaps you qualify for a free ride.

Good Info - Will take the tour and yes it would appear I would qualify for that flight - hope the weather holds.

Come on down!

I'm building a -10 at Independence Airpark, about 40 minutes from Van's. I just riveted the tailcone to the fuselage tonight, there is another -10 being built and another flying that are based here. Besides the myriad others, there are 6 RV 12's under construction here too. There are right at 50 other RV's based here and lots of folks to "talk RV" with. We love visitors, just drop me a line.
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show up anytime BUT...

If you look at Van's factory tour page, you will see :

"Tours of Van's facility are offered twice a day on most weekdays (holidays excluded). A morning tour starts at 9am and an afternoon tour starts at 2pm. You'll get to see the production shop, the hangar and lots of airplane parts! We can even take you for a demo flight so long as you meet the criteria listed below and have properly appeased the Oregon weather gods."

Van's is more than happy to show you around but if you want a real chance of getting "THE TOUR"...You would be well advised to call at least 1 week before your visit to make sure you can get "THE TOUR"

When I went for my tour about 1.5 years ago, it was open season on tours. Van's has had to tighten the belt on tours because the guys that are giving the tours are also the guys that are answering the "tech support" phone calls and they can only be in one place at a time.........;)
We can even take you for a demo flight so long as you meet the criteria listed below and have properly appeased the Oregon weather gods."
Phfft! Yep, that's Oregon for you.... :D

All my time up there and I never visited the factory. I will try and go on Feb 27th.

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Every 1st Saturday EAA105 Bkfst

If you can plan your visit to include a Saturday morning, the EAA 105 Chapter (Van's Home Wing) Breakfast is held on the first Saturday of each month at Twin Oaks Airpark (7S3). If the weather is decent, lots of RV activity.
Does not look promising for tomorrow, but even if weather prohibits flying in, breakfast and lots of chatting all things RV.
5 minute flight, 20 minute drive from Van's.