
Well Known Member
After Sun-n-fun I will be going to Mobile, AL for a day or two to help my brother move into a new house.

Looking at the sectional, it looks pretty easy until you get to the Pensacola area.

Here's the area I'm talking about

So does anyone have any advice for this area? I am thinking of staying along the beach at 6500 through the specified east/west corridor.

My only other option is to follow V-198.

Either way I will of course get flight following.

Anyone that's done this VFR before have any advice?

BTW: This is another reason I really want my instrument rating. If I were instrument rated I would simply file and not worry about it one bit.

This will keep you clear of airspace. The chart looks worse than it is. From CEW to SJI there may be a lot of traffic crossing South to North to the various military training areas. The controllers are all easy to deal with and helpful when flight following along this route and they are glad to be talking to you.

MAI is a great fuel stop if you need fuel
The entire route from south of Panama city to just east of Mobile is one SUA after another. I've flown VFR/IFR through it several times. VFR flying through the Eglin East West corridor is normally not a problem and just an advisory call is all that is required. On a nice day there is a lot of traffic flying through that area (beach sight seeing). To the southeast of that area there are 5 MOAs around Panama City (Tyndall AFB). Normally the flying is concentrated in one or two of the MOAs. On the West side of Pensacola you have the Navy MOA. They are all over the area, high doing acro and low using numerous OLFs and public fields, including Downtown Mobile. Baldwin Co. AL where the Navy MOA is located also has I believe 55 private/public airports. Many are not charted. It appears worse than it is. Staying along the beach at your altitude is a relatively good place to be everybody else is lower sightseeing.

Have Fun

That's exactly the airway I was thinking of.

It appears worse than it is. Staying along the beach at your altitude is a relatively good place to be everybody else is lower sightseeing.

That's pretty much what I was thinking.

Thanks, Guys. It's nice to have the opinions of other folks that have flown down there before.

One other issue to consider is that there is always a layer of clouds west to east along Interstate 10 from the panhandle to JAX.
You may have to navigate around them as well.