
Well Known Member
So what does the Minnesota Wing do on a Saturday morning when it is -18C in America's favorite twin cities? We head NORTH to the shores of Lake Superior where it was -22C for breakfast!

Alex P, Bernie W, Tim M, Dale F, Forrest F, Doug W, Peter F, Tom B, and I braved the cold in the quest for blueberry pancakes. It was clear and cold in the cities with a high overcast over Superior. We joined the local airport crowd and a flight instructor and his students from Rice Lake (on a XC lesson) for breakfast and story swapping.

I showed Forrest the econ cruise mode for the -9A on the way up, and on the way back got some air to air of Dale and Tim.

Buddies line up for the shot....


A bit tighter.....


Dale profile.....

Smile Dale....

The light under the cloud deck (and my lack of talent) did not allow me to capture the beautiful dark green of 565DM.....
Donde esta Pedro?


Checked your APRS Track for the 10th. Looks like a couple of 360's around Falcon Heights. You seemed to hold altitude to within 40-60 ft through most of 2 360's with a max of about 100 ft. I'm impressed!
Mi Casa

Hi Mannan,

I was taking the neighbor's exchange student for his first GA ride. We were checking out our houses.

That's Juan riding shotgun!

Steve Bejarano photo

I don't think he understood I built the plane in the garage until after we landed. He wants to go for a "bigger" ride, so I think he enjoyed it.

Altitude control was probably more luck than skill, but thanks for the nice comment!
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Well shoot, I was within 500 yards of you guys, thought I heard you on the radio. Would have been nice to say hi and meet most of the MN people, see some RV's, get some ideas (thinking of a 7 but can't do it right now).

We were preoccupied with an RC helicopter---indoors. A fine line between thrill and terror...:eek:
I need to keep tabs on the MN RV'ers. It would have been fun to make a trip to the warm country for pancakes since I'm 200 miles NW. ;)

You and your gang must have come out of a different mold than me. I was born in Minnesota and there's no way I'd go flying in such cold weather. :) You must have a heated hangar.

Nevertheless, I sure enjoyed the pictures. It is interesting there appears to be so little snow on the ground as cold as it is. When I was a kid up there, there'd always be 24" by now and 3' by the end of March. Brown County down by New Ulm had a couple big rotary snow blowers in those days to keep the roads open, a regular plow couldn't handle it.

Times have changed and will continue to do so, I recon.
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