
Well Known Member
Just removed the GNS 430 and GTX 330 from the -8 and installed a GNX 375. I'm having a heck of a time getting the Horizon to receive serial data from the 375 - specifically GPS position on serial 5 and Traffic on serial 6. I have a guy coming by to help with port configuration next week, but thought I'd ask if there is a fundamental configuration conflict between the new Garmin and older GRT?
Just removed the GNS 430 and GTX 330 from the -8 and installed a GNX 375. I'm having a heck of a time getting the Horizon to receive serial data from the 375 - specifically GPS position on serial 5 and Traffic on serial 6. I have a guy coming by to help with port configuration next week, but thought I'd ask if there is a fundamental configuration conflict between the new Garmin and older GRT?

What formats do you have the RS232 set for, serial 5 and 6? I *believe* you should be getting basic gps info from the 375 to the WS. Note, if you wish to do approaches with the cdi data displayed on the WS, I think the ARINC connection is required. Traffic is more problematic. I *think* Garmin uses a proprietary format the the grt cannot read.
I had a buddy review my serial mapping and he's suggested some changes. As for traffic, the GRT used to display TIS from the GTX 330, so I'd expect it to talk to the 375. I have some pins to swap around so we'll see tomorrow.
I had a buddy review my serial mapping and he's suggested some changes. As for traffic, the GRT used to display TIS from the GTX 330, so I'd expect it to talk to the 375. I have some pins to swap around so we'll see tomorrow.
Hello Michael,

As you know, TIS-A traffic (like received by the GTX 330/335) has been on the way out for some time, and is very limited compared to ADS-B traffic.

The new transponders with built-in ADS-B in traffic/weather like the GTX 345 and GNX 375 don't receive TIS-A traffic and don't have a TIS-A traffic output like was used on the GTX 330.

The Aera 660/795/796, GDU 450/460/470, G3X Touch, and portable devices using Garmin Pilot, FltPlan Go, or Foreflight can display the ADS-B traffic and weather data provided by the wired/wireless interfaces on the GNX 375.

Ok, so the traffic output message of the 375 is proprietary and won't show on the GRT box?

Could be-----give GRT a call, they will know for sure.

GRT has always tried to play with other vendors------any issue will most likely be Garmin not willing to play with others.