
Well Known Member
The GNS480 uses 8 screws to hold the backplate to the mounting tray. Try as I might, I can not get all 8 holes on the tray to line up with the holes in back plate. The best I can do is to get 6 holes to line up. When I do this the upper center is off by a full hole width & the lower center is off by 1/3 hole width.

Has anyone else has a similar problem? Should I enlarge the holes in the tray, get a new tray or is 6 screws acceptable?
Dumb Response

Might be a dumb response, but make sure you have the tray in right-side up. If it's upside down, about 6 will line up just fine.

(Been there, done that)
Not upside down

Jim, thanks for the idea but I verified that it is right side up (both the tray & the back plate). I guess I will call Tony at Stark tomorrow.
No prob. I just found that most of the tray/ backing plates for avionics fit very well and I'd be surprised if there was a mis-alignment.

Solution -

Called Tony at Stark Monday AM. After comparing a couple of tray's he discovered that there is a -03 version of the tray which is slightly different. He sent me the new tray which I just installed and all the holes now match. Great service from Stark. :)