
Well Known Member
I have searched best I know how but can't find a bottom line answer. Does anyone know the level of support Garmin provides for GNS430W? Updates? Repairs? Timeline to extinction?

Garmin still supports the 430W. Databases are available. Factory (only) repair is available, subject to Garmin’s ‘one fixed price for all repairs’ policy.
Fixed Price

Garmin still supports the 430W. Databases are available. Factory (only) repair is available, subject to Garmin’s ‘one fixed price for all repairs’ policy.

Do you happen to know that price? I've heard everything from $1200 to $2400. Obviously at some price point the risk outweighs the reward.
The "Garmin" rate is $1800.00 no matter what the problem is and it can only be sent in by an authorized Garmin dealer. Most shops add a "fee" in addition to the $1800.00 rate so shopping around is a good idea. When I sent my G430W in, the shop I used added a $100.00 fee so I paid $1900.00 total which was the lowest I found in the area.

FWIW; no matter what shop you use, it goes to Garmin for the actual work so no real advantage from one shop to another.

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Garmin repair

3 weeks ago I sent in a SL30 for repair. I had it back in seven days. Yes the price hurts a bit.
I called Garmin G3X Support, 1-866-854-8433, and the process went very smooth. NO dealer involved.
