Active Member
On a recent flight, reception on my 430 COM went south. All was good and I was handed off to another freq. When I contacted the controller, I could barely hear them. I first thought that it was just a distance thing with ATC, but no. For me to hear any communication, I have have the squelch in so I am receiving at all times... and then they still sound very distant/weak. I can only get AWOS for an airport if I am almost on top of it.. and it is weak as well. It seemed like an antenna /connection issue, but ATC says that I am transmitting fine and they can hear me clearly, I just can't hear them.

I can hear and communicate fine on COM2, my SL40. I also powered down my audio panel, which defaults the communication to Com1 (the 430) with the same reception results.

As part of my troubleshooting, I swapped antenna cabling from the back of each unit and the problem doesn't follow the swap. I have pulled and reseated the unit, and cleaned the connections with contact cleaner. Everything looks good.

I called Garmin and (after 45min on hold) the tech thinks I may have a Com board issue... but to send it in I have to go through a Garmin dealer.

Before I go through a Garmin dealer, and have them send it off for a repair... has anyone run into this or similar?
Unfortunately, I agree with the Garmin tech’s diagnosis. I presume you know about the flat rate repair charge.
I am unfamiliar with the flat rate charge... please enlighten me. The Garmin guy wouldn't share any costs.
Garmin will quote a ‘flat rate’ - one price for whatever repairs are required, whether simple or complicated. I don’t know the current rate, but it will be expensive if all you needed was simple.
I’m a bit late to the party but Garmin’s flare rate repair for a 430W is upwards of $1850 now.

If you do choose that option make sure your Garmin dealers gets it sent in for everything. They won’t automatically give you a new screen, knobs, etc. but if you are paying that much for a comm board, you might as well list everything as a problem so it will be replaced with new parts. Essentially you’ll get a new unit back for your money.
Yea... I learned about the $1850... ouch! That stings really bad.

I sent if off through a Garmin dealer.. they tested it on the bench and verified that I had a receiving issue. I did have other things repaired/replaced as well per their recommendation. It was a surprisingly quick turn-around... $1850 + an hour for the avionics shop. I took the 1st flight after repair yesterday. Everything seemed to be working well. I'll test it on a longer flight this weekend.