
Well Known Member
I have been happily flying my GNS430W and GTX330 setup with the 430W ARINC output set to "ARINC 429" and the GTX330 ARINC output set to "Garmin w/TIS". Everything works great, got traffic on the 430, the 330 does auto alt switching, etc. I figured out that the autopilot (TruTrak Digiflight II VSGV) isn't getting the new vertical steering commands to fly down the vertical profile of a GPS approach, because they are in the "GAMA 429" output format. Note, we're talking 430W specific stuff here. Ok, so I simply changed the 430W ARINC output format to "GAMA 429" (documented in the Trutrak documentation). When the GTX330 comes up on the ARINC buss, with no changes on the GTX330, the 430W continuously jumps to the user waypoint input page. Like, *continuously*, as in the 430W will let you cancel that page, but will jump right back. If I turn off the GTX330, or configure its output to be "GARMIN", without TIS, all is well on the 430W.
Obviously I'm a wee bit confused. Anybody have any ideas (other than, "dude, you have it wired wrong"?). If not, it sure would be nice for someone to post their relevant ARINC configuration from a 430W (input & output) and GTX330 (input & output) with functional vertical steering to a TruTrak A/P directly from the 430W.
Ping. Sure is rare not to get anything from the gallery. Still looking for a new nugget to try.
Was this ever resolved? I have a 530W and 330 with a Dynon display (so the same inputs and outputs you are talking about) and when I put the transponder into TIS mode it throws the user waypoint page up.

Wow, blast from the past. Yeah, totally resolved, but I sure don't remember any of the details. It must not have been a very big deal :).