chris mitchell

Well Known Member
With the QB fuselage arriving shortly from across the ocean, I'm trying to decide what navigation and communication equipment to install - and the current group buy for the Icom A210 is spurring me on.

An SL30 plus a GPS 496 would give com/VOR and GPS. BUT so far as I can see, the SL30 won't give 8.33khz spacing, and that will almost certainly be coming our way here in Europe in the foreseeable future. Also the best price of that combo here in the UK would be around ?3300 which is about $6600 at current exchange rates. The GNS430 I could get here for about ?3000 - which I believe can be programmed for 8.33khz freq spacing and will do all of the above in one box. The Icom will also do the 8.33khz thing, but no VOR/GS; at Captain John's price it would be a great buy - leaving plenty of ??? (or even $$$) for a GPS496, and a reconditioned NAV. We can't fly IFR in an RV or similar in the UK, tho that might well change and I'd like to minimise the need to re-equip if that happens. So I wondered if there are any users of the GNS 430 or SL30/GPS set-ups, or similar, who have views, wouldn't do it that way again, definitely would, or whatever? Any information, suggestions or wisdom will be gratefully received. Sorry this is so long!!

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Random thoughts.

Your right on the SL30. 760 channels at 25khz spacing.
In my panel I have GNS430, SL30 connected to my BMA EFIS. A couple months ago I added the 496. The main reason that I added the 496 is for the weather. I don't expect to fly much IFR (although I am rated) as my wife won't go into the clouds. If I were building my panel now I would probably skip the 430 and just have the SL30 and 496.

Hmm, this is an interesting one. As I read this initially I thought "even if you are VFR only now, get the 430(w)", but then I realized your location.

Since you can't fly IFR in the RV and XM is not available in the UK, I assume this is a 496 sans XM (they do sell it that way don't they?). As great as I think the 430(w) is, a 496 (sans XM), an Icom A210 and a GTX-327 (or 330 if Mode S is mandatory in UK) makes for a well equipped (VFR) panel. I don't think you will miss the VHF nav function of the SL-30 much being VFR only and having the 496.
Nice thread

I had the same doubt.

I was jumping to 296/sl30 configuration, because it's cheaper and comes into two units, wich is better. If the single unit 430 fails, you lose all VOR, COMM and GPS.

As I live in Brazil, weather is not a concern, because it's not covered by NEXRAD.

I did't know the SL30 didn't have 8.33 spacing, something to consider.

Other cons for 296/SL:
1. SL30 has 8W power. 430 comes at 10W and 16W is also available. It's important to me be able to get VOR signal and to be able to talk to ATC.
2. 296/496 are not certified for IFR.

430 is kind pricy, but I think I'll buy it.
Piloto.Mendes said:
Other cons for 296/SL:
1. SL30 has 8W power. 430 comes at 10W and 16W is also available. It's important to me be able to get VOR signal and to be able to talk to ATC.

just be aware that the 16watt version (430A, 430AW) requires 28v.
Useful replies guys, thanks.

Kent - why did you add the 496?

Mode S will be mandatory for transponder equipped A/c from March 2008 in the UK (I think I got that right) and 8.33khz spacing from April 2013 in Europe (again I think I got that right) so those are close enough to be considerations.

We don't have IFR permitted yet but I think it's in the foreseeable future.


Piloto.Mendes said:
I had the same doubt.

I was jumping to 296/sl30 configuration, because it's cheaper and comes into two units, wich is better. If the single unit 430 fails, you lose all VOR, COMM and GPS.

Most of the 430 Comm, Nav and GPS radios are independent. They are wired with separate power and ground lines. There are still some common failure points, but a single failure does not mean that everything goes down.

How about a GNC 420 for VFR

Interesting price comparisons when converted to Pounds Sterling....

If the integrated Garmin boxes are cheaper, how does a GNC 420 compare in UK prices to the CNC 430?

It's less common than the 430, but having no VOR should not be a problem for VFR flight since you can always set a VOR location as a GPS way point.... :)
It does have 8.33 KHz capability

Could the economics work in ?'s for you after trans-Atlantic delivery?

gil A
Gil, interesting thought, but I can't find a UK supplier who has the GNC420. Aircraft Spuce do it for $5300, but i guess that'll be with a US map/data so add another $250 or so and its not looking that attractive.

I guess its really about how ready for IFR I want to be (if/when it happens here). Right now I feel that the Icom group buy plus a GPS496 (or even a 296 or 396 since the XM facility is not available here either) is looking like the way to go.
