
Well Known Member
I am planning on:

Serial from Sport EX to GNS430
Serial from GNS430 to Sport EX

Questions are:

Do I need an external GRT ARINC429 module with GPS ARINC 429 connected to the GNS 430 OUT A/B and IN1 A/B pins 46-49 on the GNS430 in order to see ILS data on the Sport EX?

Does the "Advanced Touch" version of the Sport EX include ARINC429 or does it require the separate GRT ARINC429 module?

ARINC 429 is required. Call up GRT for guidance on hardware as they often come up with suggestions we don't readily see when browsing their on-line catalog.
I?m not so sure. I *think* you can wire the analog CDI outputs from the 430 to an analog input on the Sport, and generate a localizer display. This will not work for VOR data without some way of inputting OBS settings. Your gps will also not work in the OBS mode for the same reason. Bottom line: you really want the ARINC input unless you?re strictly VFR.
Definitely call GRT.
Thanks for the responses. Called and yes, the ARINC429 is required to display the ILS data or VOR data. No, the Sport EX doesn?t include ARINC429 as an option but rather a separate module.

More money spent, more lines drawn. 🧐
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My -7 has three outputs from the GNS430 connected to analog inputs on the GRT Horizon WS. They are VLOC Annunciate, GPS Annunciate, and ILS Energize from the GNS430.

Are these required in addition to the serial and ARINC429 communication signals on a Sport EX? What function do they provide that the serial comms do not?
Go to the grt web page, look at wiring diagram for Hx displays: 2 efis, 1 430. You?ll see the second efis is wired using the analog outputs from the 430. This is a backup in case the arinc converter fails. That?s when you need those other inputs too. If you choose to forgo the analog inputs (I did) then the connections you asked about are not needed.
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What function do they (ARINC 429 connections) provide that the serial comms do not?
When using the EFIS as the CDI for the GPS, it enables turn anticipation and the ability to set the Course via the EFIS when the GPS is in Suspend/OBS/Hold mode. The direct serial connections to the GPS don't provide either capability.
On the Horizon WS, ARINC connections are NOT required to show ILS and Glideslope. There are descrete connections available from the 430 to the WS Horizon for both needle deflections. I had mine wired that way for some time simply because I was too cheap to buy an ARINC module in the very beginning. I flew IFR that way and it worked fine.

ARINC IS REQUIRED to show VOR and provide radial setting back to the 430.

With that all said, I moved to a WS ARINC module a few years ago, disconnecting all the descrete ILS connections and did not pay close attention to the wiring capabilities of the EX when I upgraded one WS because it had everything I needed for a "drop-in" in my current configuration.

With the advertisement of "drop in", the EX may still have those descrete connections but that would need to be confirmed.
My understanding is that the discrete connections you are referring to are the connections on MFD2 only. There are still 4 analog inputs on MFD1. Are these redundant to ARINC429 data?

This is the schematic I am looking at.
http://www.grtavionics.com/File/Wiring Diagrams/WD-1003-02.pdf

Yes, those are the ones. Remember, those are ONLY ILS and Glideslope, not VOR.

I did wire the other 4 also. It is my understanding that those 4 connections are not needed if using ARINC. I believe I have disconnected those ( with addition of ARINC) but I would need to check my updated schematics (not here with me).

If you are considering skipping ARINC, I would recommend against that idea. As Bob mentioned above, you do lose some waypoint functionality in OBS mode that can cause a PITA in certain situations. The 430 integrates a lot better through ARINC and the harness is a lot simpler.
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OKay, I went and looked at the EX manual. Note Bill and myself are quoting our experience with Horizon series (Hx/HS).
The EX does not have enough analog inputs to use the 430 analog data outputs, so that's off the table. That's probably why GRT told you that you definitely needed the ARINC module.
To answer the direct question, you do not need to attach the 4 previously mentioned wires. These simply "light up" annunciators on conventional CDI's; The EFIS will annunciate based on data within the ARINC data stream and the EFIS settings.
Again: I have an HX, not an EX. But the HX will (or can - it needs to be selected in the set up menu) display BOTH gps and VOR data at the same time, on the HSI (either full page, or split-page). The main nav selection will appear on the main HSI needle/bar; the other will appear superimposed as an RMI needle.
I appreciate all the input.

My plan now is to connect (GNS430 / GRT SPORT EX / GTX327)

RS232 Serial OUT1 from the 430 to the Sport EX Serial IN1
RS232 Serial OUT1 from the Sport EX to the 430 Serial IN1

ARINC429 from the 430 VOR/ILS OUT A to the Sport EX IN 1A
ARINC429 from the 430 VOR/ILS OUT B to the Sport EX IN 1B

ARINC429 from the Sport EX OUT 1A to the 430 IN 1A
ARINC429 from the Sport EX OUT 1B to the 430 IN 1B

RS232 Serial OUT from the GTX327 to the Sport EX Serial IN2
RS232 Serial OUT2 from the Sport EX to the GTX327 Serial IN

No connection of analog or discrete signals between these units.

I think you?ll need another ARINC pair from the 430 GPS arinc out to the second efis arinc in.
Not sure what the transponder rs232 out to efis-in does. Mabe it should be transponder out to 430 in, to send the pressure altitude to the 430.
Run a wire from an unused RS232 out port from the 430W, set to format ?ADSB+?, for later use if needed for ADSB-out.