
Active Member
Trying to decide between a Garmin GNS430 or a SL30 Nav/Com and a Garmin 296or 396. Price wise the SL30 combo is about 1K or so cheaper. Also if I go with the 396 a have weather and radio if I want to pay for it. I'm planning on fliing IFR if need be and I'm also putting in an Auto Pilot when the money is in the bank(or birthdays/christmas) Any comments between the GNS 430 and the 296/396 combo would be appreciated
Russel Koch
RV9A QB wings and fusalage sitting in hanger
If you're planning on doing GPS approaches (or even enroute) it's an easy choice -- 430.
SL30 + GPS396 is nice for VFR, but...

Personally, I like the SL30 + GPS396. However, as someone notes, you can't do IFR GPS approaches, which is a shame.
It is not just the approach that the 396 can't do.

With the SL30 you can do approaches to most airport, but the problems come in when trying to find fixes to some approaches and also the missed approach points. With the 430 you can use if for NDB point location as well as DME measurements.

I struggled with the same issues that your are looking into currently.

I started out with the idea of doing a VFR pannel. Then I disided to add the SL30 so that I could stay current with my IFR ticked. Now I could fly IFR if there were no clouds and I had a safty pilot, but to do real IFR I needed more. So I added the 430 and back up instruments for the EFIS unit.
But now I have alot of electrical equipment and if the alt. failed I would be screwed. So I added a back alt.

I sure hope that I will fly some IFR so that the expense will be justifyed.

I sill would like to add the 396/496 so that I could get the graphic weather info. I seen the unit and it would be real nice (VFR or IFR).

Although trying to diside on the panel setup was one of the hardest on my plane, the good thing about us expermental builds is that all it takes to change our panels is time and money. :D

Coming from Dynon is software that would allow your SL30 to use the Dynon as an ILS head (therefore not needing an extra instrument) and have the 396 for other nav help. 430 is getting long in the tooth. Dynon + SL30 +396 good combo. lbb :)

I quess a lot depends on how much money I want to spend and how often I need to fly IFR. I'm sure there are a lot of pilots out there who do not have an IFR GPS. I honestly can't see myself flying a ton of instrument approaches in my RV9. The main reason to fly IFR is to get down or out of a situation where VFR just won't do. If it is IFR between point A & B I think I'll stay on the ground. If Dynon does come up with the software, then that might be the way to go. I also agree with Kent. If I decide to go the SL30 and 396 route and change my mind down the road, all I need is more money. I can always sell the SL30 and the 396 if need be.
Thanks Guys. I really think, that all a person needs to do sometimes, is talk to a few people and the answer will pop out and hit you in the face.
Russel Koch
RV9A QB wings and fusalage in hanger
kentb said:
I sill would like to add the 396/496 so that I could get the graphic weather info.

Or add weather to the 430. Strangely, the 430 does do a lot but it can't display some of the weather info that the 396/496 can. Like TFRs, winds aloft.

Other than the IFR requirement, the 396/496 stack really is cool!