install manual

hello, i'm also looking for the install manual of the GNS 430.
could you please email it to me quickly?
Thanks a lot.

St?phane - French Polynesia
I'm wondering if the OP is in need of a firmware upgrade on either their 430 or AP. CRS should work if you have a valid serial input; it should not require an active navigation leg. Another possibility is transmission "speed" (a bit of a misnomer, since my understanding is that "Fast" really just drops some of the sentences from each burst), which may only provide full functionality at one speed setting and may require both units to be "matched" (have the same speed setting on both units). I'm speaking generically since I have a different AP/Radio (GNS 480 / TruTrak), but had similar issues originally. In my case it required both a software upgrade and reconfiguration to get them to play nice together.