
Active Member
As I have mentioned on here before, I've installed a Garmin GNC355 in my RV-6. Even though I've been flying for several weeks, I still have many questions. Question for a Garmin guru: What exactly is the function of the "OPEN SQ" button. In reading the pilots manual it appears that when "open sq" is selected it reduces squelch to zero, ie. no noise reduction.
I seem to find that when I select "open sq" I can hear everything fine. If I de-select it, I hear nothing at all - nada. I thought today that my receiver was just dead, until I selected this again and everything is fine. If this is a squelch function, how do you set the squelch level?
As I have mentioned on here before, I've installed a Garmin GNC355 in my RV-6. Even though I've been flying for several weeks, I still have many questions. Question for a Garmin guru: What exactly is the function of the "OPEN SQ" button. In reading the pilots manual it appears that when "open sq" is selected it reduces squelch to zero, ie. no noise reduction.
I seem to find that when I select "open sq" I can hear everything fine. If I de-select it, I hear nothing at all - nada. I thought today that my receiver was just dead, until I selected this again and everything is fine. If this is a squelch function, how do you set the squelch level?

Garmin has an automatic squelch feature -- there's no more "Squelch" knob like we had on our Midland/Cobra/Yaesu/Icom/Kenwood transceivers...

Squelch <> Noise Reduction...

Open Sq - defeats the squelch circuitry, essentially sets the squelch level to 0, which lets you hear weak signals & background noise (thermal noise -- the "Hiss"...)

There is a means to tweak the auto squelch levels - You need to enter the device setup (power off, hold the Home key, power on and wait...) then go to the Com configuration item; RX squelch, Carrier squelch can be adjusted. Refer to the installation manual for in depth guidance.
Thank you! I went in the setup and set the squelch levels to zero. Seems to help. Need test flight.
Thank you again for the prompt input.