
In the photos of the autopilot control panel on the touch screen it shows an IAS button yet the written info says that adding the GMC 305 separate control panel adds ias hold mode, yaw damp and level button.
Can our G3X expert confirm whether or not you can still access the IAS hold mode without installing the extra control panel? Thanks, CG
In the photos of the autopilot control panel on the touch screen it shows an IAS button yet the written info says that adding the GMC 305 separate control panel adds ias hold mode, yaw damp and level button.
Can our G3X expert confirm whether or not you can still access the IAS hold mode without installing the extra control panel? Thanks, CG

Hello lowandslo,

Yes, you may control all of the autopilot functions through either the touch screen or the GMC305. If you have both and wish to do so, you may even jump bank and forth between the two ways of controlling the autopilot.

difference between touch and gmc 305?

Hello lowandslo,

Yes, you may control all of the autopilot functions through either the touch screen or the GMC305. If you have both and wish to do so, you may even jump bank and forth between the two ways of controlling the autopilot.


Is there any functional difference between the GMC 305 and using the touch screen?

The answer?

Is there any functional difference between the GMC 305 and using the touch screen?


As a last resort I read the manual and I think I found the answer.

From the pilot's guide:

? GDU 460/465 Primary Flight Display (PFD), plus GSA 28 servos. This option includes a separate FD. The FD can be on independent of the autopilot. Selecting a FD mode engages the autopilot.

? GDU 460/465 Primary Flight Display (PFD), plus GSA 28 servos, plus GMC 305 Mode Controller. This option includes a separate FD. The FD can be on independent of the autopilot. Selecting a FD mode does not engage the autopilot. This option supports a Yaw Damper (YD).

It looks like that with out the GMC 305 that you can't use the flight director for hand flying or am I reading this wrong?
It looks like that with out the GMC 305 that you can't use the flight director for hand flying or am I reading this wrong?

Hello William,

You may control all of the autopilot functions, including the independent flight director, with the touch screen autopilot control panel.

This is the function of the FD button in this picture. If you touch FD and don't touch AP, you will be hand flying the plane with flight director guidance.

As shown in this image, if you have a yaw damper installed you can even control that axis from the touch screen (just like the YD button on the GMC 305).



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I don't have more space on my panel for more Garmin gadget, I will love to be able to use flight director to hand flying and also use speed mode for climb and descend, would be possible to add this just by software to non touch g3x and not to install GMC305.

Also would be really great if you add a function to descend by degrees(flight path vector, like airbus) as an alternative to feet per minutes, that works just right for non precision approaches in countries that we do not have WAAS available.

Hello William,

You may control all of the autopilot functions, including the independent flight director, with the touch screen autopilot control panel.

This is the function of the FD button in this picture. If you touch FD and don't touch AP, you will be hand flying the plane with flight director guidance.

As shown in this image, if you have a yaw damper installed you can even control that axis from the touch screen (just like the YD button on the GMC 305).


That's great. You may want to clarify the pilot's guide a bit.

I was originally planning on having a G3X touch 10", the GMC 305 and a separate backup EFIS. Since the AP can be fully controlled by the touch screen I'm going to look at substituting the 7" G3X touch for the GMC 305 and the backup EFIS (I will also add a another ADAHRS).

Having two G3X touch displays with separate power sources would give a lot of good backup options and be nice for normal operations.

Thanks for the info.