
I'm New Here
Hey all,

I got working on wiring up my intercom with a GMA340. When I plug the headphones in I hear audio no issue, and when I plug the mic in the mic jack I can hear myself on the intercom just fine. I have an old PTT similar to

When I plug it in, the intercom goes away. When I key the mic, it sounds like it pushes out though. I wired it as per the explanation for microphone in the second image. I used a shielded 3 wire to connect the mic with the barrel to pin 35, the ring to pin 33, and the tip to pin 34. Did I wire the mic jack correctly? I’m trying to find out why when I plug the PTT switch into the mic jack I would lose intercom. This particular PTT switch came from a portable intercom. I assume they all work similarly but maybe not?



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Not sure why you?re using a portable PTT instead of a stick mounted, but, if you read the David Clark notes for that PTT, it states that it also switches the mic audio. That is probably your issue.