
Well Known Member
My GMA 340 Audio Panel has gotten to where 1 and 2 both light up and receive all the time. ANy tips on what it could be? And rcommended replacement for it?
GMA 340


Did you accidentally put the audio panel in split mode. Press and hold COM 1 and 2 at the same time to canx split mode.

1 and 2

Went to the panel and held down buttons 1 and 2 and it turned 2 off but when I swith over to com 2 as to use it for xmit 1 still stays illuminated. Any ideals?
From the GMA340 Install manual

3.1.4 Transceivers

Selection of either COM 1, COM 2, or COM 3 for both MIC and audio source is accomplished by pressing either COM 1 MIC, COM 2 MIC or COM 3 MIC. The active com is always heard on the headphones.

Each audio source can be selected independently by pressing COM 1, COM 2, or COM 3. When selected in this way, they remain active as audio sources independently of which transceiver has been selected as the active microphone source.

When a microphone is keyed, the active transceiver?s MIC button LED blinks approximately once per second to indicate the transmitter is active.

3.1.5 Split Com

Pressing the COM 1 / 2 button activates the split com function. While this mode is active, COM 2 is dedicated solely to the copilot as a MIC/audio source while COM 1 is dedicated to the pilot as a MIC/audio source.

I think you need to be sure that only COM 1 MIC or COM 2 MIC are pressed and also that COM 1 / 2 is off and that neither COM 1 or COM 2 are pressed.

Jim Butcher
you need to be sure that only COM 1 MIC or COM 2 MIC are pressed and also that COM 1 / 2 is off and that neither COM 1 or COM 2 are pressed.

I think this is his issue...he has COM1 pressed (active), and *did* have COM2 pressed, as well.

I just went over to my aircraft, and tried pressing and holding both buttons (COM1 and 2), and it doesn't do anything, other than if you don't do it quite exactly at the same time, it'll toggle one or the other because they're acting independently.

So to the OP...the both buttons at once thing? Ignore that.
audio panel

well when I held them both in it did turn off 2 i will try and push just1 to see if it will then swap back and forth like its supposed to after that when I get back to the plane.
well when I held them both in it did turn off 2 i will try and push just1 to see if it will then swap back and forth like its supposed to after that when I get back to the plane.

I think you need a better understanding of what the COM and COM MIC buttons do and how they operate. Read the manual, and get someone who has one to show you how it works. It seems like you're kind of randomly trying things without knowing what the panel is doing or why (e.g., holding down both buttons doesn't, AFAIK, do probably just hit one slightly before or after the other...and in any case, that's not how you set up split comm, anyway, as the COM 1/2 button does that).
Another way to explain the operation is;

The top row of buttons (COM 1, COM 2, COM 3) controls which com you hear in your headphones. The bottom row of buttons (COM1 MIC, COM 2 MIC, COM 3 MIC) controls which com your mic is connected to. However, when you select a com on the bottom row, that com audio will go to your headphones too, whether you have the top row button selected or not.

So if you have COM 2 selected on the top row and then also select COM 1 MIC on the bottom row you will hear audio from both COM 1 and COM 2 but your mic will be only be connected to COM 1.

From your original post, it sounds like you have COM 1 and COM 2(top row) both selected. Pressing either button will deselect it unless that com is selected on the bottom row.

Jim Butcher