
Active Member
Hi all,
I'm an RV-14 owner in Australia with a full Garmin panel - Twin G3X touch, GTN650, GMA245, GTR200, GTX23, GMC307, G5 etc.

I recently had a problem with the GMA245. Towards the end of an IFR flight :eek: and on the ground after I could not receive transmissions (either com). We did work out that I was transmitting successfully. The unit came good but this left me nervous and Garmin Australia agreed to replace it.

I assume that the new unit would be "plug & play" but when I installed it I had no intercom (I cannot even hear myself). I have tested transmit & receive and they are okay. I have updated the software and run through the error check for the GMA245 with no apparent issues.

Garmin Australia support and Stein don't seem to have any ideas so I thought I would put it out there and see if anything pops up.

Hi all,
I'm an RV-14 owner in Australia with a full Garmin panel - Twin G3X touch, GTN650, GMA245, GTR200, GTX23, GMC307, G5 etc.

I recently had a problem with the GMA245. Towards the end of an IFR flight :eek: and on the ground after I could not receive transmissions (either com). We did work out that I was transmitting successfully. The unit came good but this left me nervous and Garmin Australia agreed to replace it.

I assume that the new unit would be "plug & play" but when I installed it I had no intercom (I cannot even hear myself). I have tested transmit & receive and they are okay. I have updated the software and run through the error check for the GMA245 with no apparent issues.

Garmin Australia support and Stein don't seem to have any ideas so I thought I would put it out there and see if anything pops up.

Hello Graham,

We probably don't have enough of the history and facts to comment here, but if you would like to contact our team at [email protected] with the email thread/history, we would be happy to take a second look.

When we work on a customer issue such as this, we always like to get the intercom working first, and then the rest is usually easy since that means at least the headset audio and MIC wiring is correct. Not saying that wiring is your issue (even though it usually is), but we recently worked with a customer who had a pre-made harness which had just enough wires reversed between pilot/copilot headset jacks to make it pretty confusing.

Too late now, I know, but at the time of the first failure you should have turned the audio panel off. It is designed to fail ?safe?, leaving the #1 com connected to the pilot?s headset. If it still didn?t work, there almost certainly was a wiring problem.
Thanks Bod,
I did realize that, but the issue happened 5Nm out on an RNav approach in IMC, so I decided to fly the plane and worry about the radio later.