John Meyers

Active Member
Features Rockets straightlining at 160 kts. I'm trying everything I learned in Movie Maker 101... dramatic scenery, sacred music, corresponding video and musical stops, glints of sunlight. It ought to be worth a goose bump or two. If not, please tell me to stop this needless waste of fossil fuel.

John Meyers N5800
It ought to be worth a goose bump or two. If not, please tell me to stop this needless waste of fossil fuel.

John Meyers N5800

Well John, I'm not sure about goose bumps, but you just inspired one builder to head back out to the shop. Awesome.

I'm stoked, got the AFS 3500 and ADI P II talking to the 496. I was terrified I'd messed something up big time. Turned out I had a bad alligator clipped jumper wire that I was using for testing and it had intermittent continuity.

I'm on a roll and thanks to you... newly inspired.
Very nice.

Say, how was your camera mounted? I taught in Sequim year before last and many times imagined the view from Tacoma Narrows or Horsehead Bay (my place there is big enough for a strip).

I could guess the video ends right over the Seven Cedars Casino, but there is enough logging along the route that I can't tell for sure.:)

A couple of Rockets in Bremerton or Sequim? I must learn more:eek:

-- Charlie Springer
Keep 'em coming!


Just keep them coming! Each one you put out is great! I love the "hawaiian style" slack key guitar in both Water Music and the one about selecting a paint scheme. Then there's the ones with some classic '70s and '80s soft rock in the background.

So when I saw the title of this one, I was thinking of the one spelled "G-L-O-R-I-A".... What to my surprise, but a little classical balance thrown in!

As an "over 50" guy, who loves all manner of guitar, who is a choral singer from way back, and who has been drooling over airplanes since childhood, and now enjoys building these magnificent planes,...I say...Keep 'Em Coming!
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Thanks for the encouragement. I'm glad that this inspires builder to build & flyers to fly. I'll do my part, you do yours. ;-)

Springer is good on the geography. We had lunchee (fish and chips) at Bremerton, flew over Hood Canal and Dabob Bay, hitting hwy 101 about like you observe.

Lotsa stuff still on cutting room floor, and some ideas for next summer. Awaiting inspiration. I have some "inventory" of stuff that isn't RV related... will have to figure a way to link, if you interested.

Camera is mounted as shown at end of "RV Water Music", otherwise linked here in "Video URLs", thanks to Doug.

HR I is based at Port Townsend, HR II at Rakes Glen, near the game farm.

JohnM N5800
Nice paint job

I have been looking for software to help me figure out how to paint my RV-8 when I get it done. What you used sure looks like the answer. What software did you use and where did you get it? Thanks Lyle