
Well Known Member
I'm assuming Grady is really busy.... I have called and left messages, I have emailed through his site and not getting any replies. It's time to paint the Rocket and have always thought when it was time I'd Grady to do it. Is there a better number or email that people are aware of to reach Mr. Grady?

I'll give it another week then I guess Ill start looking elsewhere.

I'm assuming Grady is really busy.... I have called and left messages, I have emailed through his site and not getting any replies. It's time to paint the Rocket and have always thought when it was time I'd Grady to do it. Is there a better number or email that people are aware of to reach Mr. Grady?

I'll give it another week then I guess Ill start looking elsewhere.


I'm sorry, Bill. I don't know of a better number. I also don't know of a better painter.
What would his price be, roughly, for an 8 with 3 colors and old paint removal?
I'm assuming Grady is really busy.... I have called and left messages, I have emailed through his site and not getting any replies. It's time to paint the Rocket and have always thought when it was time I'd Grady to do it. Is there a better number or email that people are aware of to reach Mr. Grady?

I'll give it another week then I guess Ill start looking elsewhere.


Shoot me a text with your phone # and I'll run down there tomorrow and have him call you.
Had help from another member on the field. Grady called me as soon as message was given to him. They are there and start work at 7:00 am, take lunch for an hour and leave at 3:00 every day. I'd say call at 7:00 am and you should get him by phone
Make sure your plane is ready for paint if you want to be happy😄

From experience.... I have built a few RVs and have a few painter experiences a few good... a couple not so much. Make sure your RV is ready for paint! Especially your fiberglass. You could show up and the painter will act really enthusiastic with you. They will walk around the plane and take notes of your unfinished fiberglass, the rough areas needing filler, the "gee I was going to repair this but ran out of time thing" and they say "relax we got this. Pick her up in 4 weeks." They will have pages of notes and you willl be really impressed when you leave. 3 weeks later you call, "well, this or that happened, you can pick her up in 3 weeks." 6 weeks later you arrive. The fiberglass got one coat of high build fill primer (that will shrink back after you fly for awhile and reveal the weave badly). The putty areas almost got sanded correctly, the bottom of your plane looks like it got painted with a roller in some areas. You think this is odd but now it makes sense as the painter and his helper retreat to the office after they push you out. Kind of like they feel a little a little guilty or something. But hey, you're stuck because you just flew in commercial and what are you gonna do? Stay in a hotel and miss more work because you have just paid hard earned money for a paint job that some painter swears they could do a good job for you? You have to leave as you don't have more vacation time. Make sure you don't just believe the hype of all of the fans of certain painters..... oh, and jet glo overspray on your canopy and avionics screens is really hard to get off.
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Grady at GLO

I think you will be more than pleased with the finished product from Grady. He painted my -10 and others I have seen and they all look fabulous. The fact he is hard to reach and backed up is testimony to the quality of his work. Can't wait to see the finished product.
I think you will be more than pleased with the finished product from Grady. He painted my -10 and others I have seen and they all look fabulous. The fact he is hard to reach and backed up is testimony to the quality of his work. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Ditto, he did a great job on my 7, and made the process fun and enjoyable.

I was originally booked 10 months out (that was his backlog) but told him I could have the plane in his shop rapido if a slot opened up before then.

5 weeks after I put down a deposit, I got the call, and ~4 weeks after the call I was flying my freshly-painted, awesome-looking Magic Carpet!

Worth the wait,

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This is a observation from the other side. In the process of my 9 rebuild I'm stripping the Glo-Custom paint job off my plane. Have to say it is really well adhered, well primed underneath and has minimal overspray in the nooks and crannies that are hard to mask. This was not a "light" paint job, but high quality.
No doubt the have a lot of experience with RV's.

Don Broussard
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
57 Pacer
I'm hearing ya.. I think??

Mr. Blusky... care to share pics of what a bad paint job looks like from a professional. I've painted two Searey's myself and know what **** poor looks like. I want my Rocket to look as good as possible. What would you have done differently?? I'm trying to read into your post.... are you saying I maybe shouldn't get my plane painted in "Texas"?

I fixed the areas on my plane by hiring another painter to do "repairs." That included sanding my entire cowl back down and making all of the cowl edges as they should be. This included repainting other large panel areas because of very thin,rough paint. Fortunately, the SW paint matched well from their chart order numbers.

The mistake I made was not having everything ready. I discussed this upfront multiple times with a painter due to my work schedule and traveling. Was assured that "this is what we do". Was even quoted an hourly rate to fix the less than perfect glass areas. When I showed up these areas, especially the glass edges and cowl surfaces were not at all what we discussed. Was told, "well, I didn't charge you anymore than the quote." If you live close you can work this out. If you are coming from a long distance you can't easily without more financial pain. There were several areas on the wheel pants where filler wasn't sanded just painted over.

All I'm saying is your level of acceptable may be very different than someone elses. I was the statistic that got taken. There are always painter horror stories. I thought by communicating like we did the expectations were clear and reputation would prevail.