
Well Known Member
...not really RV related but my wife of 29 years did enjoy her RV-8 ride last last fall before the diagnosis...she passed away quietly this morning at our home.

The matter of dealing with GBM is difficult for patient and caregivers. The decline since diagnosis last December was relentless notwithstanding surgery and radiation/chemo treatment. It is a tough disease to fight and always wins except with some very young patients and even then many do not survive it.

I am relieved it is over for her and myself. She is at home with her family in heaven and will be missed by many left behind on this planet.
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So sorry to hear this David. I can only imagine the toll it has taken on you as well in the last few months giving care and watching her slowly slip away.

Cherish that happy memory of her flying with you in the RV...
Deepest sympathies

David-I rarely post as I am a first time builder and do not have the experience to contribute, only ask embarrassing questions.

But my wife as well was diagnosed with cancer and I went through a few years of **** also. I feel your pain and anguish.

May you find strength in the support of others.

Although it was unfortunately expected, it nonetheless is a huge blow and leaves a hole in your life that will never be filled, My thoughts are with you as you begin the recovery process. As other have said, please be sure to take care of yourself as you grieve.

Very sorry for your loss. Nothing anyone can say that can help much but there appear to be a bunch of flying buds on line that feel for you and wish you strength.

Our sincerest condolences

So sorry to hear, and we do understand what both of you went through. Those diseases are horrible and take a toll on everyone. Congrats on the 29 years, though. At least you should have lots of great memories to get you through the low spots.

Take care.

Tough road you are on

I have been down that road you are on. My wife passed 15 years ago after 35 years of marriage. I can tell you that things get better as you start the second half of your life. Take some time for yourself and don't make any major decisions for a while as life will look quite different six months from now.

Godspeed as you start your new life

Gary Specketer
David, I lost my wife of 33 years almost three years ago, after a six year battle with Melanoma. I know your grief and wish I could be there to give you some comfort.

You are in our thoughts and prayers. We send you strength.

I'm so very sorry for your loss. If there is anything we can do, please don't hesitate.
I'll continue to keep you and your extended family in my prayers.
David, Paul and I want to express our sincerest sympathy for you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Louise and Paul
So very sorry for your loss. Sometimes there just isn't much to say except that others care for you and will be there for support.

Take care.
May you find joy in happy memories and the hope of a meeting her again in that place where cancer doesn't exist. John
So sorry for your loss... I've had many losses recently... but none so huge.
May keeping your eyes to the skies help keep the tears at bay... keep your sanity intact... and give you a reason to seek future joy... it's out there... go find it, and the comfort it will offer.
Best Wishes, MJF
David--Suzanne and I want to extend our sincere condolences for your loss. Just know that she is pain free and in a peaceful place. She'll be there waiting for you, and you'll walk hand in hand together.
Tom and Suzanne
My most sincere condolences. I've had 3 people in my life succumb to GBM and, as a physician, feel utterly helpless and frustrated unable to do anything about the progression and deterioration of those affected.