
Well Known Member
Hopefully an easy question from someone flying a GTN650.

I plan to install a GTN650 and a G3X setup. I am using an Archer Nav antenna in the wingtip and running the RG-400 cable to the GTN650.

The question is, will the Archer Nav Antenna effectively provide both the localizer and glideslope information to what I hope will be acceptable ranges? Do I need to install a separate glideslope antenna and use a diplexer to merge the signal for the GTN650?

I also plan to run a stripped RG-400 cable down the landing gear leg for the marker beacon input to the GTN650, but I don't believe that has any effect on the above question. Thanks
No marker beacon in the 650. It's in the audio panel if you have one with marker beacon in it, not all have it.

GTN650 and Archer antenna work great on ILS. The Archer is all you need, no need for separate GS antenna and many (most) marker beacons are decommissioned and not necessary to have that antenna for an ILS.
Marker beacons

I appreciate the quick responses. I had been debating on the marker beacon and thanks for reminding me those pins are in the audio not GTN650.

Maybe a more long term debate, but figured marker beacon audio wouldn?t hurt. I suppose most everyone is just using GPS for location information nowadays rather than marker beacons. I am so use to flying legacy military helicopters that still make you use marker beacons.