
Well Known Member
What is everyone using as a glide ratio for their 9A's? Searching the threads I've sort of landed on 8:1 for the time being. I'm using the new Foreflight glide feature which is really great but I want to make sure I'm using the right number.
The number I want to know is what is it going to be with a CS prop on an engine out? I don't want to every find that out the hard way.
There are so many airframe/engine/prop combinations. Further, in amateur built, no two are the same as in type-certificated aircraft. Therefore, the only way to know for sure for YOUR airplane is to go and test it. Then enter the data into your POH.

There are so many airframe/engine/prop combinations. Further, in amateur built, no two are the same as in type-certificated aircraft. Therefore, the only way to know for sure for YOUR airplane is to go and test it. Then enter the data into your POH.


Everything about my 9A is nominally built to the plans. The only deviation is I have a Catto 3-blade fixed pitch prop.
Go to then click the "RESEARCH" tab, then on the right side menu click "CAFE APRs" and choose an aircraft.

Great article with lots of good information. I did note that there was a range of glide ratios depending on airspeed from 9.5 to 12, and was 11 around the glide speed I have been using in my POH based on my own tests. I guess I should go out and repeat some of my testing to see if the results are similar. Anyway, thanks for the link.
I use 10:1. Makes the calculation easy and gives a little margin.

1000 ft above x 10 = 10,000 ft or roughly 2 miles glide

2000 ft above x 10 = 20,000 ft or roughly 4 miles glide

or simply use the the number of thousand feet AGL x 2 = miles glide (does not consider wind, wind will affect the number)

any RV9 will be able to make this glide range
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