
Active Member
I am looking to buy an rv-6a. If I find one that has steam gauges I am looking for an idea for cost to convert it to something like the 10" classic VFR system that is listed on their sale brochure. It looks like the parts are around $14000 for the Dynon. What other companies should I consider that might be as good for a cheaper price?

It looks like the Advanced Flight Systems might be an easier install (just from a video I saw about their backplane interconnect) but I would assume the cost would be higher.

Thanks for any help .

Here is a list of the items for the panel-
10” SkyView Classic Display
Primary Wiring Harness - SkyView
ADAHRS - Primary
SkyView Backup Battery
SkyView Knob Control Panel
Wi-Fi Adapter
Network Cables
Pitot Probe, heated - underwing
Standard Engine Monitoring Module
3' Network Cable
Lyc 4-cyl probes
SV32, SV42, SV52 Servos need a total of 2
Network Servo Wiring
Network 5 Port Hub
Servo Mounting Brackets
Class 1, Mode-S, FAA 2020 ADS-B Out and in
High Integrity GPS for 2020
ADS-B Dual Band Traffic and Weather
VHF COM Radio, 25 kHz
2-Place Stereo Intercom
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Unfortunately it's nearly impossible to produce a fully-formed answer to your question because the question itself is far from fully formed. What's missing is a list of what you expect to have in a "classic VFR system"... Is this just the EFIS you're looking for? Or are you thinking a classic VFR system is EFIS, VHF comm, Transponder/ADSB-Out, ADSB-In as well as all the electrical power management hardware?

To start with the core of your question, it's hard to beat the GRT Sport 10.1... at $3K. That's really all you need for an EFIS however I would add to it the synthetic vision option and the SafeFly GPS option to use as the position source for a Trig TT22 Mode S/ES transponder to get you ADSB-OUT compliant - the transponder is controlled by the Sport EFIS and the EFIS is also the altitude encoder for Mode C in the transponder. Then I'd add a Stratux to get ADSB-IN capability. Of course you'll want a VHF comm radio - pick one that you like. That's well under $10K.

Oh, did you want autopilot? Add servos and mounting kit.

The above describes an "all new" panel that's strictly VFR. Of course it doesn't address engine instruments - that's not part of the VFR mission so much as it is part of the basic aircraft functionality. If you want to add an engine monitor, the GRT EIS-66R or EIS4000 can do it for you (remember you'll need to buy the installation kit that matches your engine type).
Having just done a panel upgrade for a customer using Dynon as mentioned it will vary a bunch. You are best to assume a complete rewire of the aircraft assuming your basic VFR panel include engine sensors, ADSB in/out, transponder, etc. In our case we found speaker wire used for the mags, and that was just the beginning.

Dynon VFR package with ADSB, radio, intercom, etc you are close on the 14k mark. Other brands will be similar and I would argue close enough price shouldn't be the determining factor.

If you are comfortable wiring yourself you will save many hours of labor you will need to pay for.
RV 6 Panel Cost

I am looking to buy an rv-6a. If I find one that has steam gauges I am looking for an idea for cost to convert it to something like the 10" classic VFR system? It looks like the parts are around $14000 for the Dynon. What other companies should I consider that might be as good for a cheaper price?

It looks like the Advanced Flight Systems might be an easier install (just from a video I was about their backplane interconnect) but I would assume the cost would be higher.

Thanks for any help .

Good Morning Rob,

There are a lot of good options out there to choose from, which makes the process all that much more fun! Here is an idea of what it would cost to use our equipment.

These 4 items will provide you with your flight instrumentation, Engine Sensor Interface, and all of the basic EFIS capability for VFR Navigation and hazard avoidance. Engine sensors not included below, as most if not all of your existing engine sensors can likely be re-used and interfaced directly to the G3X System using the GEA 24.

10" G3X Touch Display - $3895
Standard LRU Kit - $1500
GEA 24 EIS Interface - $599
GA 26 C GPS Antenna for G3X - $85
Connectors and Racks - $310
Total - $6389

The equipment listed above provides everything you need for an 2 axis autopilot besides the servos. If you already have autopilot servos installed from another manufacturer, it is possible the servo mounts may be modified to work with our equipment. If, not we have Pitch and Roll servo installation mounts available for the RV 6. To add an autopilot you will need the following:

2 X GSA 28 Autopilot Servo - $750
2 X GSA 28 Connector Kit - $125
RV 6 Servo Installation Mounts (optional) - $197
Total - $1750

You can add an ADS-B In receiver to the system in form of the GDL 50R, for $799.

There are plenty of other options like remote audio panels, remote transponders, remote COM radios, backup instrumentation, remote autopilot controllers and more which can significantly increase the cost of your system, but these are all options. The equipment priced out above provides you with everything you need for a VFR aircraft, if you already have the COMM's and Transponder covered.

If you do want to include a refresh of the COM, the GTR 200 radio has a built in 2 place intercom, so there is no need for an external audio panel, simplifying installation. These are $1200 and are available in a panel mounted version, or remote mounted version which is controlled through the G3X Touch display.

Feel free to send us an email at [email protected] if you have any questions!


I am looking to buy an rv-6a. If I find one that has steam gauges I am looking for an idea for cost to convert it to something like the 10" classic VFR system? It looks like the parts are around $14000 for the Dynon. What other companies should I consider that might be as good for a cheaper price?

It looks like the Advanced Flight Systems might be an easier install (just from a video I was about their backplane interconnect) but I would assume the cost would be higher.

Thanks for any help .

Here is a list of the items in the panel-
10” SkyView Classic Display
Primary Wiring Harness - SkyView
ADAHRS - Primary
SkyView Backup Battery
SkyView Knob Control Panel
Wi-Fi Adapter
Network Cables
Pitot Probe, Unheated - underwing
Standard Engine Monitoring Module
3' Network Cable
Lyc 4-cyl probes
SV32, SV42, SV52 Servos
Network Servo Wiring
Network 5 Port Hub
Servo Mounting Brackets
Class 1, Mode-S, FAA 2020 ADS-B Out
High Integrity GPS for 2020
ADS-B Dual Band Traffic and Weather
VHF COM Radio, 25 kHz
2-Place Stereo Intercom

I have an RV-10 with 3 screens of G3X Touch, and a GTN IFR navigator, and every other component from Garmin. NO REGRETS!! You will love the versatility, free updates (on software), and support that Garmin provides.
Hi Rob,

This is basically the Dynon avionics suite I am installing in my RV8 build. The exception is I purchased the Dynon 10" HDX display instead of the classic display from your list. My price came out about the same as yours. My mission is daytime VFR so the equipment provide all that I will need. From what you listed, it means you are replacing everything and throwing out all the analog stuff from your old panel, including all the old radio and transponder. I notice you also have the EMS and the engine monitoring kit. This is why the price is ~14K because this is the package if a builder starts from scratch.

You will probably need to upgrade your switch panel to provide power to the glass display and the other avionics units and you need to account for that cost too. If you are comfortable with wiring, then you should have no program connecting all these boxes together. I am a complete novice and so far so good. The display turned on and even the radio and transponder. Good luck on your project.

Hi Rob,

This is basically the Dynon avionics suite I am installing in my RV8 build. The exception is I purchased the Dynon 10" HDX display instead of the classic display from your list. My price came out about the same as yours. My mission is daytime VFR so the equipment provide all that I will need. From what you listed, it means you are replacing everything and throwing out all the analog stuff from your old panel, including all the old radio and transponder. I notice you also have the EMS and the engine monitoring kit. This is why the price is ~14K because this is the package if a builder starts from scratch.

You will probably need to upgrade your switch panel to provide power to the glass display and the other avionics units and you need to account for that cost too. If you are comfortable with wiring, then you should have no program connecting all these boxes together. I am a complete novice and so far so good. The display turned on and even the radio and transponder. Good luck on your project.

Thanks for the info
You are in the ballpark for VFR, I went further

and did the full IFR with a G650 and 430 backup feeding the AFS5600T. I have about 30 AMUs in mine, doing all the work myself.

I just worked up a VFR estimate to do my friend's Zenith Cruzer --- Dynon package came in about 15 AMUs.

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