Bill Boyd

Well Known Member
Is it just me, or is there a significant difference in the brightness and shade of colors chosen by different glass manufacturers to represent earth and sky, land and water, elevation contours, etc on their EFIS and PFD displays? The brand I most want to put in my plane seems to have gone with the most muted earth tones and darkest overall colors, while the brands I have shied away for on other grounds offer the most sizzling bright colors. If I were shopping on the basis of cockpit sex appeal, my choice would be opposite what it is. This produces tens of thousands of dollars of cognitive dissonance :(

I have to ask myself if this was done for certain human engineering/physiology reasons that rightfully overshadow the sex-and-marketing appeal of brilliant, fully-saturated screens that splash vibrant colors on the retina. Part of me wants not only good engineering and well-executed layout, but some raw sex appeal bang-for-my-buck from those spendy, hi-nit displays. And another part of me knows far better than to let myself care about anything but good engineering and reliability. Is there a reason we cannot have both?

I ruled one vendor out due to VGA displays that, while colorful, look to be drawn with a crayon in this day of 4K HD...

I'd like to know if the color palette on these displays was (or should have been) determined by some exhaustive taxpayer-funded research done for us by NASA or the military. What did they learn about the way we process color, pictorial flight information?
I say, good for you for being self-aware. Far too many people buy expensive cars and expensive avionics without ever ‘looking under the hood’. ‘Looks sell’ is not just a slogan. And the truth is, for day-vfr it really doesn’t matter. But if you’re shooting an approach on a dark and stormy night, what do you want: looks, or performance?
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Also, some vendors allow you to change a limited number of screen attributes, while others don't.

Mu advice, if it bothers you, go with the alternative vendor. You're going to have to live with it for quite a while. You better like and be comfortable with what you see.