
Active Member
Quick question for flyers of certified glass cockpits - is the waterline (aircraft) symbol adjustable (up and down) as it is on mechanical gyros such that you can place it on the horizon regardless of AoA? Question assumes no flight path marker is presented on the display. (A debate is brewing here among co-workers who are working on a glass attitude display where the waterline symbol is not currently adjustable and displays 3-5 deg. nose up in cruise).

It's not adjustable in flight on the Cheltons either. You set it once when calibrating the airplane in a level attitude on the ground. In flight, the flight path marker is referenced.

MGL Enigma, Odyssey, Voyager, Explorer get calibrated on the ground, then in flight (or at any other time) hit SHIFT followed by "Level" to set the attitude level. This is usualy used when you fly at different speeds/AOA and would like a level reference.

CEO MGL Avionics