
Well Known Member
Having problems with some of the avionics that came in my 7, and rather than buy more 25 year old stuff to replace it, I'm toying with the idea od just collecting stuff for a glass panel.... My requirements are:

Full engine monitoring
Moving map/flight planning
VOR/GS/HSI display that'll work off an SL-30
2 axis autopilot
everything else (running radios, running transponders, etc) is optional

My choices as I see it are:

1 10" Dynon skyview (ADAHRS, cables, etc)with:
Mode-s Xpdr
Moving map upgrade
Engine sensors

1 GRT 10.5" HXr with:
engine sensors
2 AP servos and mounting kits
$9400 + $1450 for a GTX-327 = 10,850

1 8.5" MGL iEFIS with:
engine monitor and sensors
Sandia remote Mode C xpdr
AP servos and accessories

Dynon pros
More mature than others
I've actually seen one
Mode S/traffic
free software/database updates (I think the others are free, too, so this one likely doesn't count)
nicest software aesthetics (subjective, of course)

Dynon cons
Limited AP functionality (so far)

GRT pros
Biggest screen
better AP functions (today)
possibly better HITS/Syn vis presentation
Android tablet interface for cheap screen real estate

GRT cons
Highest cost
none/few flying yet
not crazy about software aesthetics (I'm sure it can be reconfigured, but their brochure makes it look kind of hodge-podge, to me, getting hands on one might make it OK)

MGL pros
Lowest cost
Nice looking software presentation

MGL cons
smallest screen (bigger ones available later)
none/few flying

...Dynon cons
Limited AP functionality (so far)
What have I missed?

Make a spreadsheet and list every item that is important to you and rank each item. Then find someone with your top two choices installed and beg a ride.

Whatever comes up on top is your choice.

Be careful using price as a criteria. When buying an EFIS, low price isn't always the lowest cost.
I love my G3X

Took this from another thread

It is common for pilot?s to recognize the desirability of having PFD, MFD mapping/charting, and engine gauge information on the display(s) located immediately in front of the pilot. For a 2 display G3X system this need is easily met because the PFD and MFD displays are always providing all the desired information.

A single 10? display can similarly provide the same information, but to do so it must cease to be just a widescreen PFD and instead the display space must be broken up to provide the PFD, MFD mapping/charting, and engine gauges in dedicated areas. When this happens the PFD image size is typically no longer larger than that provided by a G3X PFD display.

Comments are sometimes posted indicating that the G3X display glass size is too small (compared to a 10? display). Here again, a practical comparison of a 2 display G3X system mounted in front of the pilot instead of a typical 10? display shows that you actually have more glass area (307 cm2 for dual G3X displays versus ~286 cm2 for the 10? display under discussion).

If you are a pixel counter, the two 800 x 480 pixel G3X displays have 768K pixels while the single 1024 x 600 pixel 10? display has 615K pixels ? a 25% improvement for the G3X system.

As another important consideration in some installations, installing two G3X displays instead of a single 10? display gives you excellent availability in case power to the display is removed, or the display becomes unavailable for any other reason. If either G3X display is lost, the remaining display enters a mode where it continues to provide virtually all the MFD mapping and charting information, engine information, and PFD information that the system provided with 2 displays. Again, this information is provided immediately in front of the pilot, not cross-cockpit, so continuing a flight to the destination is seldom an inconvenience.
My recommendation is if you can get behind each and see for yourself.

I have flown behind GRT and Dynon in IFR condition and believ GRT is far more seamless and mature/advance in what they support today as oppose to in the future which always takes some time to work out the kinks.

For IFR, my definite choice is either GRT or Advance, for VFR then it really depends on the cost as an entire package.
Garmin G3X is just too much coin, and the answer to the complaint that their screen is smaller being "then buy two!" strikes me of engineering via marketing....

It's my understanding the skyview autopilot will do ALT and heading hold, climbs and the like, but they can't do more advanced stuff like coupled approaches yet

I've heard good things about GRT for IFR use from others, as well.

Unfortunately it'll be a while before I can fly behind an HXr or iEFIS....
A coupe of thoughts:

There are years worth of posts in the EFIS section here - plenty of reading for a few evenings.

Most folks will recommend what they bought - and that's what they have flown. If you want comparisons, you have to ask folks who have flown several different systems.

Before you choose on price, you need to talk to someone who sells all your choices - advertised prices are not what you end up paying, and finished prices for the various systems might really surprise you.

You didn't explicitly say if you want IFR or VFR-only capability - there will be a big difference in what you choose depending on that requirement.

Panel upgrades are fun - take your time in examining your options!

You may be doing yourself a disservice by not considering an Advanced Flight Systems 5500 or 5600. When I decided to removed unsupportable units from my panel and go glass I researched all the currently available Glass Panel units and decided on the AFS 5500. It gives you all the items you wanted plus. IFIS, Maps, Engine Monitor, AP, AHARS, ARINC all in one easy to read nd interpret screen.
I agree...

You may be doing yourself a disservice by not considering an Advanced Flight Systems 5500 or 5600. When I decided to removed unsupportable units from my panel and go glass I researched all the currently available Glass Panel units and decided on the AFS 5500. It gives you all the items you wanted plus. IFIS, Maps, Engine Monitor, AP, AHARS, ARINC all in one easy to read nd interpret screen.

I upgraded my panel to AFS. I started out with their engine monitor and AOA. After getting frustrated with the the BMA EFIS, it was an easy decision for me to switch to AFS. The engine monitor was first rate and never gave me any problem and quality of help I received from Rob at AFS just cinched the deal.

AFS and Garmin stuff is too much coin for me right now.

I think if I do a glass setup, it'll be the HXr after talking to several people. I had my heart set on an HXr and an SL-30 untill I realized that of the airports I ususally fly to, only my home airport has approaches that an SL-30 would allow me to fly...everything else requires ADF, DME or is GPS only.... I think I'll do the HXr prewired for a 430, and add that when I can.

In the meantime the more I look at the wiring, the more I realize its kind of a mess, so I'll work on that some, too.

AFS and Garmin stuff is too much coin for me right now.

I think if I do a glass setup, it'll be the HXr after talking to several people. I had my heart set on an HXr and an SL-30 untill I realized that of the airports I ususally fly to, only my home airport has approaches that an SL-30 would allow me to fly...everything else requires ADF, DME or is GPS only.... I think I'll do the HXr prewired for a 430, and add that when I can.

In the meantime the more I look at the wiring, the more I realize its kind of a mess, so I'll work on that some, too.


I think you are probably at the point that a call to Stein would be helpful. Like you, I wasn't considering Garmin for my recent panel upgrade. When I finished crunching the numbers I was pleasantly surprised; my G3X panel was actually less expensive than many of my other options.

Stein prepared a complete schematic for me that included all of the items in my panel. Look at my thread about making a wiring harness from one of Stein's schematics.
I think you are probably at the point that a call to Stein would be helpful. Like you, I wasn't considering Garmin for my recent panel upgrade. When I finished crunching the numbers I was pleasantly surprised; my G3X panel was actually less expensive than many of my other options.

Stein prepared a complete schematic for me that included all of the items in my panel. Look at my thread about making a wiring harness from one of Stein's schematics.

Stein is one of the people I talked to. Sending you a PM.
I think I've settled on the GRT HXr. I may just put it in my current 6-pack panel to get flying ASAP after putting it in, then build an all new panel and clean up the somewhat less than ideal wiring when I can afford a 430 or similar.