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RV8 is so fun..but..

I now have about 100hr in my RV8...absolutely LOVE it..such a fun plane to fly. Im 6'3' 270lb and LOVE all the space upfront for myself!! No more bumping shoulder with anyone. Recommend doing some transition training for sure for the 8...since its such a tricky little plane to land. Recently got a RV10..that sucker is SO easy to land compared to the -8,..different planes..different missions. I have a Carbon Cub, RV 10 and RV 8...the LAST to be sold would be the 8, if that has any indications of what i think of it!
Have you considered the option of finishing the Glasair since it sounds like you are almost there, and if you find you aren't happy with the lack of factory support you can sell it and put the money towards an RV-8?

I'm building an RV-10 and never gave any of the Glasair line much thought, so I favor the Van's kits. But it does seem a bit crazy to abandon your current build when you are almost at the finish line.

Just my silly opinion.
The -8 is a great choice.

You'll obviously need help, disposing of the now orphaned Glasair project. When's a good time for me to get it out of your garage?
Best to find a RV-8 locally that you might bum a ride in, or spend the time and money to go to Oregon for a flight there.

Going to Vans might be the time to take a little extra cash along for a down payment. RV bug just might bite...

What happens if you don't like it?

I wouldn't decide either way until I had some time in both to make an informed decision.

Lots of time and money invest.....

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
An old fighter pilot, eh? I'm thinking there are a few "old fighter pilots" in the DFW area that you should link up with, starting with maybe Danny King.
It's a shame that Glasair isn't supporting builders that are part way through their builds. I have a buddy building a Glasair III and was told he'd be given plenty of notice before they stopped building parts. He had the Fuselage and Wing kits only. Well, they didn't warn him and he was left high & dry. Ended up buying a full kit to ensure he had everything, he had to waste money and now has more parts than he needs.

At least giver builders a period of time to order the remaining parts they need before shutting down production. Sheesh.

On the other hand, If I had a Glasair with the engine mounted already, I'd attempt to finish it.

I think it may be only a question of time before someone starts offering all the composite parts for the Glasair. While they have stood the test of time they would be so much better done all in carbon fiber.
If you have the engine mounted, what is left?
Systems work? How many parts do you really need?

Otherwise, look local for an RV-8 to get a ride in. Less likely to cause an impulse contract purchase.


Finish the plane you started.
Then start your RV8 build. You will have room to keep both in your new hanger
No you are not.

No, we went through this a long time ago, with Burt's planes, Beed's planes, and a couple others. It is part of the history of HB aircraft. Taking a trip up to Van's is one of the things that we did to see what we would be dealing with and to tell us how the real world feet on the floor people that make it happen carry on their day to day jobs. I was very lucky when I went there for the first time, I got the run of the place and talked to everyone that I could find about their job and what they thought along with how they did it and felt about their work. I agree with others here that you may wish to get your money out of your Glass-Air, but you would save a lot of time to make the change if you just sold off what you don't need for an RV. The 8 is a good platform for the size of engine and prop you have now, the mount would come right out of stock from Vans'. AND I should mention that the 8 dose have a training wheel on the nose of a few of them. We saw an "A" modal do a very nice aero show at OSKH this year. I don't think the airframe knew that the wheel was on the wrong end. Hope this helps, Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
I rode in the back of an -8 in October of 2014 on a trip to fix my Cherokee 140 that was rented from the flight school where I was training. The alternator regulator quit and needed replaced.

After returning from the trip, I put the Cherokee up for sale and started looking for an RV kit. Stumbled onto a -7A kit for a great price and didn't look back. Finished January of this year and already put over 100 hours on the Hobbs.

The Glasair is a nice, fast plane but it is not an RV. You'll love the -8.
Oh, tough choice.
Two good planes, and you are 90% finished with 90% to go on the Glassair.

Based on the doubts and second thoughts posted, I think you need to go fly an RV8. If you love it, the choice is a no brainier.

Good luck,

Thanks Russ, I'm looking for one unbuilt if he's has one in definitely interested. Pm me with details so we don't hijack this thread, I know how must feel here about plastic airplanes 😁


My buddy has one. I'll check if he's willing to part it out.

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