Mark Dickens

Well Known Member
Like many others, I need to trim out the glare shield where the windscreen meets the boot cowl. When I glassed the windscreen fairing, some of the resin squeezed in under the windscreen and it's uneven in other areas, so I was thinking about gluing some black rubber fuel line into the joint using Permatex Ultra Black Gasket Maker. Any thoughts or other ideas? Thanks!
Interesting timing

Assuming my latest Sika order comes in the mail, I plan to glue my windscreen on tonight, and will inject the goop from the inside, and then do a bit of fiberglass on the outside.

I believe Steve used some kind of air hose to clean up the gap between the plexi and the top skin, so what you are suggesting should work fine and look nice. You could also make it removable in case something like a bug gets jammed in there between the hose and the windscreen.