
I'm New Here
I've been flying my RV9A for a year now but when I look at that knife edge glare shield it makes me uncomfortable with a sudden deceleration. I know that I've seen some padding for that edge but can't remember who sells it.
Not sure why this thread got close earlier, originally from gerrydwhite

I've been flying my RV9A for a year now but when I look at that knife edge glare shield it makes me uncomfortable with a sudden deceleration. I know that I've seen some padding for that edge but can't remember who sells it.

Gerry, here is what I used and really like the look.


Goto McMaster-Carr and search for Plastic and Rubber edge trim with metal core, I think mine was the style #6
Covered mine with some split 3003 aluminum tubing, split vinyl tubing over that and glued the leather I used to cover the entire glare shield to overlap the edge


Mine had a similar edge bead on it. Now imagine putting that nice little trim piece on a sword, and having someone hit you in the face with it!!!:eek:
If you look at typical crash victim reports, and photos if available, one thing repeats over and over. Facial lacerations, bruising, eye damage etc.
THere's a really significant likelihood that you or your passenger will NOT have their harness as tight as they should, and contact with something in the cabin is a certainty.
look at the dash of your car, and notice how most of the face killers have been minimized. Now look at the dash of our planes. Yech!:confused:
even with a 5-point, you can flail around like a rag doll. Race car design is another good example....all the sharp stuff is moved as far as possible, and well padded!
One of the first things I did was slit a chunk of fuel hose to go over the nice trim edge, and then a big fat roll of pipe insulation. Now we're getting close to something that will leave a nice big dent in your head, instead of a cut. The classic aero is a step in the right direction......
(bonus, you have a channel where you can run all those darn GPS wires etc. without drilling thru the glareshield!)
Yeah, I'm kind of a worst case scenario guy, but read about some crash survivors who said " it was difficult to egress the cabin due to all the blood running into my eyes...."
let's be careful out there! :)
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Classic aero

My 9A has the classic Aero trim edge for the panel. It is an excellent product. I used the Welt edging at each end of the cushion.
McMasterCarr has lots of rubber edging you can use, for $10 you can likely do two glare shields. Not a great pic of the trim, but
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