
Unrepentant fanboy
I know we've all done it - the "free flights", the EAA kids, etc... Thought I would start a thread about it.

This morning I was about to leave KXWA (Williston ND) for home, and they were running behind because someone called in sick and it was the middle of their freight push coming in, my plane wasn't fueled and the lineboy was sweating it pretty hard. I was talking to Tricia at the counter at Overland Aviation about it, telling her it was not a big deal, I had time, etc. She got the freight guys in and got me fueled, and I remember the 19-yr old kid was drooling over my plane a few days before when I came in, so I asked her if she had time for him to take a break now. She agreed that it was a good time, and I offered to take him up before I flew home - he is a new PPL and flies a 150 out of there, we spent a half-hour demo in my 9A and the kid lit up like Christmas. I remember the feeling, been there and done that, it felt good feeding that spark.
Nice Greg. He will remember that every time he gets in a plane. It will be hard for him to get back in that 150!
What a thoughtful thing to do, Greg. That small investment of your time will surely pay big dividends in that kid’s life.
If it's a thread about giving back then I'll go next. I've spent over half a million dollars here already building an airport with a nice grass runway, clear approaches on both sides, flat, smooth and all the facilities are here for everybody to enjoy FREE. No porta-pottis here, we have 3 real toilets and 3 full size showers. I've had people come camping and others have come because they were scud running and the weather made them land here.

I'm also a CFII in airplanes, helicopters, seaplanes, gyroplanes, yet in 4 decades doing this I've never charged a penny to teach anyone, just another one of my ways of giving back.

The airport facebook page is in my signature below. COME VISIT US !!!

As a matter of fact, Flying Magazine just put out an article about my little piece of heaven a couple of months ago, enjoy :
I've spent over half a million dollars here already building an airport with a nice grass runway, clear approaches on both sides, flat, smooth and all the facilities are here for everybody to enjoy FREE. No porta-pottis here, we have 3 real toilets and 3 full size showers.

Thank you for all you do and have done! I've read the article about your airport endeavor and look forward to stopping in whenever I might be down your way.