
Well Known Member
Ports that is.
After being away from the project for a couple months due to work I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel (might be a train headed for me). When I left the project I was closing in on installing the turtle deck and had a list of a half dozen or so items I wanted to accomplish in the aft fuselage before installing the skin for the final time. One of the items on the list was installing the static ports. Looking for feedback on all the various options. What did you install, did it work as advertised without issues, did it connect easily with the static lines, was the connection easily leak free or did you have to work at it etc etc etc. Let's hear your experience.
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My completely unscientific opinion from reading the posts is that, when it comes to the accuracy of the static port pressure, there are relatively few complaints if you "follow the plans", and relatively more complaints if you deviate. Beauty, otoh, is clearly in the eye of the beholder.
The stock system is absolutely an option but was wondering of the other options what people's experience was.
Per plans static systems on all three of our RV's - zero issues, zero problems, and as accurate as can be measured. Cost is a few cents for the rivets, and a little more for teh aquarium tubing.

I have read literally hundreds of threads here on VAF of folks that wanted to use more sophisticated, prettier, and more expensive systems - most of which then had all sorts of issues with inaccuracy.

The only thing you want out of a static system is for it to work, and be low maintenance - after that, its just throwing money and time away. Airframe designers spend a surprising amount of test flight time finding accurate static port designs and locations - why duplicate the effort when its already been done?

There are FAR more interesting ways of throwing money at airplanes.... ;)
As someone who spent way too much time messing with static port shape and location (first version was part of a heated pitot tube with a static vent on it as well, that caused auto pilot oscillations) I would say the only concern I had with the factory unit was how well it attached to the tubing on the inside of the fuselage. When I reverted to the factory recommendation I remember a fair amount of goo being needed for sealing.

"There are FAR more interesting ways of throwing money at airplanes"...LOVE IT Paul:D
Some change.

We had put the factory ports and tubing in to start with, but did not like the way the pop-rivets made-up to the tubing. Once we had chosen a Garmin pitot with AOA in it we went back and changed the ports to a "P-51" from the Wicks Co., then got the Air Safety-1 tubing kit so we would have the quick disconnects added to the system for better servicing later on. Ports are in the same place and no real problems with the system other than the pilot likes to push it around with hi VSI. We will have to straiten him out one of these days.
Hope this helps. Your, R.E.A. III # 80888