
The Give Hope Wings www.givehopewings.ca crew would like to introduce ourselves to the VAF community. Two Canadian RV’s (C-FYQS & C-GTDP) circumnavigating Central & South America in January/February ‘18. What started out to be a “joy-ride” for 2 adventurous (some say crazy) RV pilots, turned into a successful fund raising effort for a cherished Canadian charity www.hopeair.ca. Hope Air has been arranging and paying for flights for low-income Canadians so that they can get to medical attention far from home.
Give Hope Wings has raised over $450,000 for Hope Air, on the way to $500,000 through this promotional adventure. This will get no less than 2000 needy Canadians to medical attention that they desperately require.

We would love to meet up with any RVers south of the border and share our stories as we have now quite a following on social media. We will also be live tracking our journey on our website. We will be circumnavigating C & S America counterclockwise, mainly sticking to the coast starting January 6th.

Muchas Gracias!
Russ y Dave
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Take lots of high resolution pictures - you never know when a magazine might want to publish your story! ;)
Thanks Paul. We?ve Actually been published in about a half dozen Canadian magazines so far. Several major Canadian newspapers and news outlets have picked up our story this week as we are on the cusp of flying. Let us know if you?d like to hear any more.
Thanks Paul. We?ve Actually been published in about a half dozen Canadian magazines so far. Several major Canadian newspapers and news outlets have picked up our story this week as we are on the cusp of flying. Let us know if you?d like to hear any more.

Saw the story in the Regina Leader-Post this morning! Way to go, guys.