
Well Known Member
I'm getting ready to mount my AOA indicator on my RV-8A. Initially, I planned to position it centered on the glare shield directly in my FOV, but I've been thinking about doing it Navy style, mounted on the canopy bow, and using my peripheral vision to monitor AoA. The immediate problem is the stock mount and shape of the unit does not make it easy to attach to the canopy bow. The related issue is I have a vertical card compass that I *might* want to retain, and it works best mounted centered on the glare shield, but I suppose it could be mounted on the bow....
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All the navy aircraft I've flown have had it mounted just to the left of the pilot's field of view. They've been mounted to the HUD frame. In the T-6 it was on the left side of the instrument panel glareshield.
Yea, I'm concerned that if I go too far left (to the canopy bow,) it will be out of my peripheral vision / FOV. Since I have no HUD (as of today at least,:) ) I'm thinking that I'll end up keeping it more or less on the centerline - unless of course, somebody has an elegant solution....
AOA location

The Navy puts the AOA on the left side because all carrier approaches are left base semicircular approaches and the 'Mirror' is on the left side of the landing area. That keeps it in the field of view. Initially I was thinking of putting mine on the left because thats where it has always been. Now I'm thinking the center may be better because fixed runways have both left and right base approaches. Just when you think you think you have it all figured out. . .