
Well Known Member
I swear, someone or something messing with me. It's amazing one moment things are fine and then a few minutes or a few days later, things seem to change all by themselves. After spending waaayyy too much time on my gear weldments, I thought I was done. Today, fat, dumb and happy, I went to install the 45 degree brake fittings on the weldments. Much to my dismay, I noticed I still had some interference between the weldment and the hole in the floor skin. I fit and refit these **** things countless times and was sure everything fit correctly. So they must come out again!! Why does it have to be this way?? I swear, there are days I feel like attacking it with a chainsaw. Then I see photos of finished RV's and sanity is restored.
Don't fret. These things happen. Many years ago when Ann and I started building airplanes, I would complain that "I know I drilled that hole last week. It has healed up!" Ann would just laugh and continue. Eventually it started happening to her. These things just "happen".
It's all part of "Murphy's Law".
Now on my bi-plane, which is derived from a design by Daryl Murphy, We get a double dose.
Just shrug it off and continue.