
Well Known Member
I was fitting the wing tips the other day and in general the shape and pre-formed notch worked out well. But when tied in with ratchet straps, the trailing edges would not line up. I filed around the notch on the leading edge a bit but then stopped and thought, at this point it would be best to ask the brain trust. What do I do?
I recommend you defer fitting wingtips until after your initial wing install.

Get the wings on, the flaps exactly right then the ailerons rigged. Fix any aileron hinge issue (too high, too low, too much in, too much out). After the rigging is perfect, then fit the wingtips.

I absolutely second this....stop and get back to these later when your wings are mounted. For what its worth, I had to do a great deal of sanding and build up of my trailing edge wing tips. Not the best quality control on these. I had to sand down my trailing edge so much on one of them that I had to lay up fiber glass filler and layers of glass mat inside of one so that it would let me sand down so far.
Get some Fiberglass PARABEAM. Great product. Its a stiffener that you will need inside your wing tips to make them rigid and resilient to the high summer sun heat exposure.

But yeah. Do those tips later. You will have a TON of fiberglass work to do later. Doing these then you can bounce around a half dozen fiberglass projects.
We had a long thread on this some months ago. Maybe someone can find it and paste it here. I did my tips on a wings stand like a number of people and it worked out awesome and I didn?t have to work under the wing to get it done. I did mine with hinges but I don?t think that matters to this question.

I used the aileron position tool and fully retracted flap position to line up the tip. Now that it is installed it is within 1/16 of perfect. I doubt I could have done better with the wing on the plane.
The 10/14 with the flaps rigged hard against the rear spar, it is very easy to do this on the stand without worrying about alignment after rigging. All rigging is based upon the flaps hard against the rear wing spar and this is doesn't require installation of the wing. This is different from the other models. The pre-drilled aft spar holes also helps to drive consistency across all builds.
