
Well Known Member
The UHMW flap leading edge tape on my RV-6 is old. I was able to get the plastic backing off, but the adhesive residue is extra gooy and crazy strong. Is there a trick or non-cancerous chemical way to getting it off? I was going to start with goo-gone, then acetone, then kerosene and finally just rough sandpaper...

UHMW Removal - - an easy way, no odor, low labor.

I just had to do this. The tape was under the wing, had scratched the flaps and the adhesive was transferring to the flaps. Not even flying yet.

Removal - Piece of cake. I used a heat gun on one part, and none on the other. Heat gun really makes the tape removal easier, lower peel strength.

Now for the adhesive. I cut strips of Viva towels (not embossed) across the width, laid a double layer over the adhesive, repeated for the entire length. Then took mineral spirits in a squirt bottle and got it wet but not dripping. For good measure ran a bead of lighter fluid (naphtha, coleman version) across the length of the soaking pad. The whole area was covered with aluminum foil sealed around the edges to prevent evaporation and left it for 4-5 hours. The one at 5 hrs came off most easily.

All this prep took about 20 min.

Later - - - Removed the foil in sections equal to the towel width. Laid it on the floor. Removed the top, wet layer of towel and set aside, pulled off the bottom layer and laid on the foil (icky). Then used a plastic razor blade to scrape off the goo, final cleaned with the top layer of towel, dried off with a clean towel, and moved along. One flap took 15 min to clean off and wipe dry. Balled up the foil around the gooey towels and done.

35 min time invested per flap. Maybe less doing both at once.
I've had good results on this sort of problem by wrapping Gaffer (Gorilla) tape around 4 fingers inside out (adhesive outwards) and then using the adhesive to pull remaining goo off the part to be stripped.

Bit like hair waxing - but has the advantage of no rubbing / scratching.

Absolutely the best / safest method I've found for getting stuff off canopies in particular.
No idea whether it will work on that particular adhesive, but WD-40 is surprisingly effective on many adhesives used for permanent labels, etc. Think car dealer branding labels on your new car. Several decades ago, I was fighting the dealer label, & nothing I tried would touch it. Someone who was not particularly bright told me to use WD-40. I thought even less of their intellect at that point, but took a shot anyway. The thing peeled right off, & left the paint clean.

Apparently, the solvent cuts the adhesive, and the lube encapsulates the loosened adhesive & keeps it from re-sticking.

No idea whether it will work on that particular adhesive, but WD-40 is surprisingly effective on many adhesives used for permanent labels, etc. Think car dealer branding labels on your new car. Several decades ago, I was fighting the dealer label, & nothing I tried would touch it. Someone who was not particularly bright told me to use WD-40. I thought even less of their intellect at that point, but took a shot anyway. The thing peeled right off, & left the paint clean.

I can second this. I've removed 20 year old, weathered, label adhesive from a motorcycle gas tank with WD-40, and other adhesives from various surfaces as well. WD-40 is my first try when adhesives are involved. Older adhesives may need a longer soak to penetrate. I usually spray on a paper towel, and hold the paper towel on the adhesive, but for really old stuff i'll spray directly on the adhesive first, let it soak initially, then apply the sprayed towel.
At PHAC we remove a lot of vinyl adhesive from truck boxes and bodies. The good stuff is called "Rapid Remover", from a a company called Rapid Tac:

I'll second Dan's recommendation above. I also have a fleet of vans that are covered with graphics and after 10-15 years when we either sell or re-letter I'm the one to take the lettering off. Rapid Remover is by far the BEST adhesive remover I came across and it is non toxic and pleasant smelling.